Splash! Spring 2011
Course Catalog
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Biological and Medical Science
B1311: Oreo-ases: The rate of cookie catalysis and how it relates to disease Full!
Difficulty: *
Helen Wiersma
Enzymes, life’s chemists, can accelerate the rates of biological processes by up to 20 orders of magnitude over the uncatalyzed reaction. In this exploration, students will become enzymes (oreo-ases), and experiment with how mutations affect the rates of reaction, to gain an intuitive understanding of enzyme kinetics. Also, using alkaline phosphatase as the case study, students will explore the atomic level details of how mutations affect the structure of the enzyme, which, in turn, affects the rate at which it can carry out reactions. We will use a molecular viewer (SwissPDB) in this part of the exploration.
B1456: To Test or Not to Test: The Ethical Debates of Genetically Inherited Disease
Difficulty: **
If you could find out whether you will develop a disease with no known cure, would you want to know? For the thousands with or without a family history of Huntington’s Disease, they must answer this question and face the consequences of their decision.
Huntington’s Disease is an autosomally dominant neurodegenerative disease for which there are symptomatic treatment options but no known cure. Genetic testing for the disease has lasting effects on the individual, their family and their loved ones.
This course will provide an introduction to the science behind the disease - what causes the disease and how its symptoms manifest. We then develop a framework for understanding how genetic testing applies to parents or children who may have Huntington’s Disease, and utilize this to debate the ethical concerns that arise when screening for inherited disease. If your parents have Huntington’s Disease, would you get tested? If you were going to have children but did not know if you had the disease, would you get tested? Would you have kids if you tested positive? What are the mental, physical and emotional implications of genetic testing within the context of Huntington’s Disease?
Basic understanding of biology and genetics.
Huntington’s Disease is an autosomally dominant neurodegenerative disease for which there are symptomatic treatment options but no known cure. Genetic testing for the disease has lasting effects on the individual, their family and their loved ones.
This course will provide an introduction to the science behind the disease - what causes the disease and how its symptoms manifest. We then develop a framework for understanding how genetic testing applies to parents or children who may have Huntington’s Disease, and utilize this to debate the ethical concerns that arise when screening for inherited disease. If your parents have Huntington’s Disease, would you get tested? If you were going to have children but did not know if you had the disease, would you get tested? Would you have kids if you tested positive? What are the mental, physical and emotional implications of genetic testing within the context of Huntington’s Disease?
Basic understanding of biology and genetics.
B1468: Top 5 and 1/2 Amazing Brain Facts
Difficulty: **
Keith Sudheimer
Buried not so deeply inside the gooey fathoms of your brain are the secrets that have plagued poets and philosophers for millennia. That's right, they are just sitting there mocking us. But don't be fooled my friends. The brain can be a harsh mistress. Centuries of scientists laboring away their lives in windowless basement laboratories (which always smell oddly like dusty bologna) have discovered exactly 5 and 1/2 brain facts. Okay that's not exactly true. They have discovered a lot more than that. But only 5 and 1/2 of these facts were so face-meltingly awesome that upon learning them I fell out of my chair and wept uncontrollably on the floor for hours. I recommend you bring your own helmet and box of facial tissues to class. While your at it a change of pants isn't a terrible idea. (Okay just kidding you don't need any of that stuff)
B1334: Ethics of Scientific and Medical Research - Part 1: Concepts & Principles Full!
Difficulty: **
Paul Nuyujukian
Learn about the core ethical ideas that govern all scientific and medical research. Discover the criteria that must be met for medical research and clinical trials. Explore the level of adherence of various forms of scientific research to these core principles and the means of oversight setup to ensure research is conducted in an ethical manner.
B1247: Cancer Biology: Causes and Cures Full!
Difficulty: ***
Melissa Ko
Did you know that one in every two males is expected to develop cancer in his lifetime? Did you know that one in every three women will do the same?
What puts people at risk to develop cancer? Why are smokers 10-20 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers? Why does having more children reduce a woman's chance of getting breast cancer?
Cancer is a disease where a single cell transforms over time into a malignant growth, a tumor that can spread and take over the rest of the human body. While research scientists have struggled to find a cure for this leading cause of death, many questions about cancer are still unanswered.
In this class we will talk about risk factors for cancer and how a cell becomes a cancer cell at the molecular level. Through this understanding of what differentiates a transformed cell from a normal cell, we will understand current treatments today like Gleevec, the "magic bullet" for cancer, and how they work.
introductory biology, should be familiar with basic cell processes like mitosis, signaling, DNA replication, and transcription
What puts people at risk to develop cancer? Why are smokers 10-20 times more likely to die from lung cancer than non-smokers? Why does having more children reduce a woman's chance of getting breast cancer?
Cancer is a disease where a single cell transforms over time into a malignant growth, a tumor that can spread and take over the rest of the human body. While research scientists have struggled to find a cure for this leading cause of death, many questions about cancer are still unanswered.
In this class we will talk about risk factors for cancer and how a cell becomes a cancer cell at the molecular level. Through this understanding of what differentiates a transformed cell from a normal cell, we will understand current treatments today like Gleevec, the "magic bullet" for cancer, and how they work.
introductory biology, should be familiar with basic cell processes like mitosis, signaling, DNA replication, and transcription
B1335: Ethics of Scientific and Medical Research - Part 2: Examples & Cases
Difficulty: **
Paul Nuyujukian
This second course will explore specific topics, examples, and cases; where the ethics of research are non-trivial to evaluate and often accompanied with social controversy. This class focuses on applying the core principles learned in part 1 to actively debated areas of scientific and and medical research.
None required. Strongly Recommended: Ethics of Scientific and Medical Research - Part 1
None required. Strongly Recommended: Ethics of Scientific and Medical Research - Part 1
B1396: Unraveling Your DNA
Difficulty: **
Jamie Imam,
Ruth Tennen
Ever wonder what your DNA looks like, up-close and personal? DNA is the most important molecule in our bodies, but we rarely stop and think about what the 6 billion letters of DNA in our genomes are really doing! In this class, you’ll get the inside scoop on DNA: what it looks like, how it copies itself, how changes in DNA can happen, and how scientists study DNA in the lab. We’ll also talk about some bioethical “strings” that accompany our growing knowledge of DNA. We’ll debate tough questions, like: Do scientists have the right to patent DNA? Should we create synthetic life just because we can? Do we need to worry about genetically modified foods? Come discuss these DNA dilemmas with fellow students and some real life scientists. And best of all, you’ll isolate your own DNA and get to take it home with you, a test-tube full of the DNA blueprint that makes each of us who we are!
As long as you're excited to learn about DNA and debate some bioethical questions, we'd love to have you join us!
As long as you're excited to learn about DNA and debate some bioethical questions, we'd love to have you join us!
B1403: Junior MD: Basics of the Physical Exam
Difficulty: **
Interested in medicine? If so, come learn about one of the building blocks of medicine -- the physical exam! In this fun and interactive course, you'll learn physical exam techniques such as how to check reflexes, test cranial nerves, feel for peripheral pulses, and much more!
B1274: Cancer - What you need to know, what you can do!
Difficulty: **
Srihari Yamanoor
This class has been wildly popular in the past. Let's see if we can repeat the fun!
The objective of this class: With an understanding of cancer, can you think of a career in medicine/science/engineering that will help you understand and cure the disease?
Cancer is a disease that a lot of scientists are trying to fight and cure. Do you want to be at the forefront of a group of hardworking scientists and researchers helping find a cure?
What is cancer? How many types of disease are there? How does it attack the human body? How is cancer detected? How is the disease currently treated?
What does it take to build a career in science, one that helps you fight diseases like cancer?
Let’s find out!
If you had a class in biology, it will definitely help. If not, let me know and we can try to discuss things in a way that you can understand. Be prepared to come to an "old school" class that has you asking and answering a lot of questions and working with chalk, black boards and your curious mind!
The objective of this class: With an understanding of cancer, can you think of a career in medicine/science/engineering that will help you understand and cure the disease?
Cancer is a disease that a lot of scientists are trying to fight and cure. Do you want to be at the forefront of a group of hardworking scientists and researchers helping find a cure?
What is cancer? How many types of disease are there? How does it attack the human body? How is cancer detected? How is the disease currently treated?
What does it take to build a career in science, one that helps you fight diseases like cancer?
Let’s find out!
If you had a class in biology, it will definitely help. If not, let me know and we can try to discuss things in a way that you can understand. Be prepared to come to an "old school" class that has you asking and answering a lot of questions and working with chalk, black boards and your curious mind!
B1447: McDreamy to Meningiomas: Neurosurgery in History, Popular Culture, and the Operating Room Today
Difficulty: **
David Purger,
Erick Westbroek
Real life neurosurgeons don’t have too much in common with Derek Shepherd from “Grey’s Anatomy” and other neurosurgeons you see on TV (except for their dashing good looks, of course). Come see how reality can be even better than TV by learning about the most beautiful organ in the body through the eyes of the only doctors who actually get to touch it!
In the first half of the class, we’ll take you on a whirlwind tour through the very long history of brain surgery, discuss the ways that neurosurgery in popular culture differs from reality, learn a little bit of basic neuroscience and watch videos of actual brain surgeries from the operating room. In the second half, we’ll break out some surgical tools and teach you to tie some real surgical knots and to stitch wounds! And, of course, you’ll get a chance to talk to Stanford medical students about their experiences in college and medical school.
An interest in science or medicine
In the first half of the class, we’ll take you on a whirlwind tour through the very long history of brain surgery, discuss the ways that neurosurgery in popular culture differs from reality, learn a little bit of basic neuroscience and watch videos of actual brain surgeries from the operating room. In the second half, we’ll break out some surgical tools and teach you to tie some real surgical knots and to stitch wounds! And, of course, you’ll get a chance to talk to Stanford medical students about their experiences in college and medical school.
An interest in science or medicine
B1237: Chinese Medicine: not your average trip to the doctor
Difficulty: **
Jeff Simon
Does acupuncture actually work? Can herbs cure illness? Chinese medicine developed over the last 2500 years has shown that, yes, acupuncture and herbal therapies work according to the principles of Chinese medicine.
Still, there's a lot of skepticism about Chinese medicine, and doubts about its safety and scientific basis remain. In this class, we'll explore the basic ideas behind Chinese medicine, perform manipulations in the manner of traditional Chinese physicians, and make medicinal mixtures from natural herbs.
Finally, we'll see how the future of medicine might depend on ideas from both Chinese and conventional medicine, and how acceptance of such unfamiliar and uncomfortable ideas can lead to a new age of progress in the treatment of disease.
Still, there's a lot of skepticism about Chinese medicine, and doubts about its safety and scientific basis remain. In this class, we'll explore the basic ideas behind Chinese medicine, perform manipulations in the manner of traditional Chinese physicians, and make medicinal mixtures from natural herbs.
Finally, we'll see how the future of medicine might depend on ideas from both Chinese and conventional medicine, and how acceptance of such unfamiliar and uncomfortable ideas can lead to a new age of progress in the treatment of disease.
B1263: Illegal Drugs, The Human Body, and Society
Difficulty: ***
Eric Molina
This is an interdisciplinary course that will focus on three things. First, will be to outline the biology behind major classes of drugs that are used illegally. This portion is the major informational part of the class and will attempt to address the underlying mechanisms of drug action and of drug effect. The second part will focus on class discussion and small group discussion about the role of drugs in America and how it is affecting social systems and economics. This class discussion will be guided by pointed examples and meaningful prompts to the class and I will expect each small group to come up with a recommended drug policy. The third and final part will look at drug use abroad and how different political players deal with drug issues. This portion will also address how drug issues are affecting political entities in an increasingly globalized world. In this last part, I will ask students to roleplay as various heads of state in countries with drug problems (like Afghanistan or Venezuela). Understanding drugs on a scientific level and on a social level in order to produce informed, young citizens is the ultimate goal of this class.
B1539: Big Data in Biology: how data science will change medicine, and what we're doing about that
Difficulty: **
Mark Kaganovich
Data Science, the analysis of large, petabyte-size data, is becoming more and more relevant to biology and medicine. We will talk about the latest that is going down in this field. We'll touch upon the technology used to generate biologically relevant datasets, especially Genomics, and methods relevant to learning from the data sets. Learning from data involves various aspects of Computer Science, Statistics, and Economics.
an interest in the next big thing
an interest in the next big thing
B1556: DNA, Strawberries, and You!
Difficulty: **
Jennifer Telschow
Explore the world of DNA and cell components as we extract DNA from strawberries! Learn about the function and structure of DNA and take home your own piece of strawberry DNA - that you extract yourself!
B1450: A Neuroscientists Messes with Your Head Full!
Difficulty: *
Keith Sudheimer
Oh yeah! That's right! I'm going to mess with your head! I'm going to use all the best tricks I've learned over the last 12 years of studying the brain to play tricks on you. You will leave confused, dumbfounded, befuddled, betickled (betickling limited to the temporal-parietal cortex only), and likely with unexplainable amorous (but platonic) feelings for pigeons.
B1494: Statistics and the Brain
Difficulty: **
James Fitzgerald
Your brain is continually flooded with information, some of which is useful, and some of which is not. How does the brain make sense of it all? A major goal of statistics is to extract relevant information from mountains of data, so it should not be too surprising that neural processing connects to the mathematical theory of statistics. I will discuss this connection using examples drawn from diverse topics including perception and neural coding.
B1343: Chocolate -Food of the Gods
Difficulty: **
Howard Peters
A fun talk touching on the history, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, processing, and folk lore (trivia) about chocolate.
Various samples of chocolate are provided to attendees for taste comparison.
A free drawing is held at the end of the lecture for some chocolate "things."
May you never look a chocolate bar in the same way again.
Various samples of chocolate are provided to attendees for taste comparison.
A free drawing is held at the end of the lecture for some chocolate "things."
May you never look a chocolate bar in the same way again.
B1452: Genetic Counseling: What the heck is that?
Difficulty: **
Emily Hurford,
Jessica Profato
Genetic counseling is the process of providing individuals and families with information on the nature, inheritance, and implications of genetic disorders to help them make informed medical and personal decisions. This course will be an overview of the role of a genetic counselor in a prenatal, pediatric, or adult setting. The course will also provide some information about how to pursue a career as a genetic counselor. The instructors will provide some sample cases and help the students work through what a genetic counselor would do in various situations. The instructors will be graduate students in the Stanford genetic counseling program.
Basic Biology
Basic Biology
B1233: How to Lie to Your Parents: A Guide to Microexpressions
Difficulty: **
Jon Madorsky
Inspired by the television phenomenon Lie to Me, this course investigates the science of microexpressions and body language as a means of communicating concealed emotions. The curriculum begins with reading of engaging texts and multimedia that will give participants the skills to detect and analyze slight movements of the face and body. By the end of the course, students will apply these new found abilities in a variety of fun games and demonstrations.
A sense of humor; eagerness to participate
A sense of humor; eagerness to participate
B1290: Exploring your brain!
Difficulty: **
Ellie Clougherty,
Joline Fan,
Lynette Foo,
Werapong Goo,
Suraj Pradhan,
George Vidal,
Olivia Winter
Come learn the science behind how your brain works in an interactive and hands-on class! You'll get to touch real human and animal brains! Fills up fast so sign up quickly.
basic biology knowledge
basic biology knowledge
B1291: Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Crash Course in Sexual Health and Sexual Pleasure
Difficulty: *
Learn it from experienced sexual health educators: sexual anatomy; contraception and pregnancy; common STIs; sexual pleasure; and the spectrum of sexuality.
An honest interest in learning more about your body, how it works, how it can (safely) interact with other bodies, and how to feel great! This is a class for every person, because healthy sexuality (broadly defined) is a central part of any fulfilled life. Leave your judgments and preconceived notions at the door.
An honest interest in learning more about your body, how it works, how it can (safely) interact with other bodies, and how to feel great! This is a class for every person, because healthy sexuality (broadly defined) is a central part of any fulfilled life. Leave your judgments and preconceived notions at the door.
B1428: From Biotech to Basal Membranes: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Drugs and More
Difficulty: **
Everett Frost,
Cordelia Sendax
This seminar will examine several drugs on the market today, how they work, and how they were first discovered and developed. Class will be interactive with discussion of molecular biology and the drug production pipeline.
B1493: The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Difficulty: **
James Fitzgerald
Considering that you registering for Splash, your ability to learn is probably important to you. But have you ever wondered what learning and memory means scientifically? In this course, I will discuss the science of how people, and other animals, learn.
B1503: High-Efficiency Gardening
Difficulty: **
Layton Lamsam
A conceptual discussion of hydroponics, aeroponics, and other controlled-environment methods of gardening. Benefits and problem areas of the concepts will be discussed.
Physical solutions to the application of these methods will be suggested. Students will be able to discuss and propose their own solutions or thoughts on the matter.
Physical solutions to the application of these methods will be suggested. Students will be able to discuss and propose their own solutions or thoughts on the matter.
B1325: Light! Sight! The science of how we see.
Difficulty: **
Jesse Marshall
Vision is our most important and best understood sense. We will explore the basic science behind how we see, and along the way play with optical illusions, tricks of the eye and other exciting games!
B1401: 21st Century Advancements in Stem Cell Technology
Difficulty: **
So you've heard about stem cells on the news or in class, and you'd like to find out more about what they can do. This course, taught by members of the Stanford Student Society for Stem Cell Research, will cover recent advancements in stem cell technology and research. If you've ever wondered whether stem cells can be used to grow organs, repair spinal cord injuries, or cure cancer, this class is for you!
B1406: Hepatitis B: Exploring the Greatest Health Disparity in Asian and Pacific Islanders
Difficulty: **
Catherine Lu,
Chris Paiji
Interested in learning about an infection that may be lifelong? Intrigued by an illness that afflicts 1 in 10 Asian Americans? Come and learn about Hepatitis B, presented by Stanford Team HBV! We will discuss the biology and epidemiology behind Hep. B, inform you about ways to get screened and vaccinated, and present ways you can get involved in promoting liver health in the community.
-A general interest in public health
-A general interest in public health
B1500: Lego DNA
Come to learn about a star molecule in biology called DNA. It contains genetic instructions of all living organisms including you. You will understand its 3D structure through building a Lego model. You will figure out how DNA works through a bloxes game. Here are some pictures for our past event. http://bioinformatics.ucdavis.edu/multimedia/
E1578: From Cow Burps to iPods, Creating Bioplastics from Methane Full!
Difficulty: **
Yan Zheng
Most plastics are made from petroleum products and do not degrade in a landfill. Even when they are recycled, only a small portion of the lost energy from petroleum plastics can be retrieved. Other bioplastics use food sources such as corn and can cause stress on food sources. A bioplastic called PHB, however, uses methane to create a new, 100% degradeable plastic.
E1288: How Cars Work
Difficulty: *
Viktor Shkolnikov
Have you ever wondered how cars really work? Want to learn what really happens when you turn the ignition or press on the brakes? Have you wondered about supercharging, turbos, NOS, and electric cars? Then this class is for you!
E1424: Fly Like Paper Get High Like Planes! Full!
Difficulty: *
Aniket Aranake,
Brandon Johnson
Learn how to build and fly paper airplanes. There will be a class competition to fly the furthest. We will also teach basics of aerodynamics, flying qualities, and aircraft design.
E1359: Civil and Structural Engineering Full!
Difficulty: *
Pallav Agrawal
Students will be taught how the gigantic and not so gigantic structures are created, how they are conceptualized, how they are designed, how they are constructed, and what happens with them till the time they are demolished.. all this through a lively example involving the student audience.
E1273: Materials of the Future (NOVA Making Stuff) Full!
Difficulty: **
We will watch NOVA Making Stuff Series together in class. This program tells about the future of materials in terms of science and engineering. The original series consists of four different topics; Stronger, Smaller, Cleaner and Smarter. Among those four series we will watch two of them, Cleaner on Saturday(part 1) and Smarter on Sunday(part 2).
Each program is about an hour long and we will have a discussion on what we watched.
You can sign up just one part, but be sure to sign up both to see part 1 and part 2.
*Part 1 is not required to take part 2. Part 2 of this class is E1575.
Be ready to love science.
Each program is about an hour long and we will have a discussion on what we watched.
You can sign up just one part, but be sure to sign up both to see part 1 and part 2.
*Part 1 is not required to take part 2. Part 2 of this class is E1575.
Be ready to love science.
E1338: Space Exploration: Asteroids and Comets
Difficulty: **
Cyrus Foster
We’ll take a look at what exactly are asteroids and comets, where they come from and what they are made of. More importantly, what happens if one of these asteroids hits the Earth? How often is that likely to happen?
We’ll also discuss the robotic spacecraft that have visited asteroids and comets and present the imagery and data returned from these robotic ambassadors. Finally, we’ll take a look at what a human mission to some of these asteroids might look like and when it is likely to happen.
We’ll also discuss the robotic spacecraft that have visited asteroids and comets and present the imagery and data returned from these robotic ambassadors. Finally, we’ll take a look at what a human mission to some of these asteroids might look like and when it is likely to happen.
E1361: Why Do We Have to Wait In Line?
Difficulty: **
David Rogier,
Micah Siegel
Why does Quiznos have longer lines than Chipotle?
Why does Safeway want to run out of sushi by 2pm?
Why does Amazon have free shipping?
Two supply chain experts will reveal how companies create innovative processes to save money and improve service.
We’ll walk through exciting and shocking examples and ask you (the student) to improve an actual process at a major company.
Why does Safeway want to run out of sushi by 2pm?
Why does Amazon have free shipping?
Two supply chain experts will reveal how companies create innovative processes to save money and improve service.
We’ll walk through exciting and shocking examples and ask you (the student) to improve an actual process at a major company.
E1482: Sustainable Design
Difficulty: **
Nelson James
We will explore the uses of sustainable energy technologies and design and build a solar oven
interest in energy technologies
interest in energy technologies
E1228: Motorcycles and Mechanisms
Difficulty: **
Joe Johnson
We'll be taking apart my Honda Dream motorcycle and exploring how it works.
Here's a picture of a motorcycle similar to mine: http://www.rcycle.com/Ken_Fisher_Honda_305_Dream_068_cropped_op_800x512.jpg
Interest in how things work.
Here's a picture of a motorcycle similar to mine: http://www.rcycle.com/Ken_Fisher_Honda_305_Dream_068_cropped_op_800x512.jpg
Interest in how things work.
E1238: Spaghetti Engieering - Introduction to Product Design
Difficulty: **
Emily Song,
Tom Zhuang
Do you believe engineers can build bridges out of spaghetti? Have you ever imagined yourself being a designer? Are you a hands-on person? Have you ever though about designing the next generation of the iPhone? Do you want to learn more about product design and the engineering process behind it? Join us in this hands-on seminar and have some fun thinking like a designer!
We will be doing hands-on in-class projects. You will have the opportunity to build and construct, as well as brainstorm as a group. Grab a friend, generate some great ideas, and construct something amazing!
Love for engineering, arts, physics, building stuff and design (or even spaghetti)!
We will be doing hands-on in-class projects. You will have the opportunity to build and construct, as well as brainstorm as a group. Grab a friend, generate some great ideas, and construct something amazing!
Love for engineering, arts, physics, building stuff and design (or even spaghetti)!
E1486: The adventure that begins when the toilet flushes... Full!
Difficulty: **
Bryant Alvarado,
Caryn Quist
A fun session that explores the journey of water from your home to the environment! Learn about a variety of modern water and wastewater treatment techniques.
E1226: Water You Waiting For?!
Difficulty: **
Joe Johnson
We’ll learn about Bernoulli’s Equation and apply this to everyday situations. WIth the help of MythBusters and water guns, you’ll be able to blow your friend’s minds with your knowledge surrounding fluid flow.
This is a good class for those thinking about mechanical / aeronautical / astronautical engineering and engineering in general
**Based on the amount of questions asked, this class may end 15 minutes early**
This is a good class for those thinking about mechanical / aeronautical / astronautical engineering and engineering in general
**Based on the amount of questions asked, this class may end 15 minutes early**
E1251: Construction Management
Difficulty: **
michael daly
an explanation of the role of the project manager in directing major construction projects
intended for those with an interest in this subject
intended for those with an interest in this subject
E1297: Careers in Oil & Gas Industry
Difficulty: *
Manish Choudhary
Energy - Why we need it ?
How much Oil & Gas Industry contributes to your daily life ?
Oil & Gas - Where they are found and How they are produced
Technologies used in Petroleum Industry
Life of a Petroleum Engineer
Benefits of being a Petroleum Engineer
How can you become a Petroleum Engineer ?
- Nil - General idea of how oil & gas shape your daily life
How much Oil & Gas Industry contributes to your daily life ?
Oil & Gas - Where they are found and How they are produced
Technologies used in Petroleum Industry
Life of a Petroleum Engineer
Benefits of being a Petroleum Engineer
How can you become a Petroleum Engineer ?
- Nil - General idea of how oil & gas shape your daily life
E1331: Air Traffic Management 101
Difficulty: **
Gaurav Nagle
Ever wondered why you were delayed at an airport when the skies were blue? Ever wondered how an aircraft navigates the crowded skies from A to B? Ever wondered how hundreds of flights were grounded during 9/11 in a span of a few hours? Learn it all here!
E1344: Diversity in Engineering
Difficulty: *
Nelson James,
Landon Medlock
Modern engineering requires the collaboration between multiple disciplines. In this course we will explore the importance of drawing ideas from people of varying backgrounds and specialties. Helping you find out how you can contribute to the big picture.
Looking for people interested in math, science, and solving problems
Looking for people interested in math, science, and solving problems
E1408: Space Communications
Difficulty: **
Sawson Taheri
This class will cover the basics of radio communication, with an emphasis on space based radio communication.
Learn about:
-Radio theory
-Time domain vs Frequency domain
-Digital communication
-How to track and communicate with satellites
-Communication with the International Space Station
Students may get a chance to make their own satellite contact.
-Motivation to learn -Algebra -Motivation to learn
Learn about:
-Radio theory
-Time domain vs Frequency domain
-Digital communication
-How to track and communicate with satellites
-Communication with the International Space Station
Students may get a chance to make their own satellite contact.
-Motivation to learn -Algebra -Motivation to learn
E1217: Sewing Electronics
Difficulty: *
Katie Dektar,
Annika Matta
Every year, more objects are integrated with electronics. Crafters have realized this and begun to use electronic components and engineering techniques to add another dimension to their work. Understanding electronics can be useful in craft, and traditional crafts can lend tools for making amazing electronics. In this class, we will be creating our own soft electronics. We will introduce basic sewing, basic electronics, and give you a chance to design and create your own project using snap-switches, home-made soft buttons, LEDs, and batteries wired together with conductive thread. Feel free to bring your own components and scraps, too
Can you thread a needle? Then you can take this class!
Can you thread a needle? Then you can take this class!
E1252: Green Construction Projects
Difficulty: **
michael daly
An explanation of the current role of environmental design in new projects --solar, wind and green transportation --the ongoing Hetch Hetchy Water System Improvement Project and California High Speed Rail projects will be used as models
a look at what other California High School students are doing in this activity will be included
an interest in the subject matter
a look at what other California High School students are doing in this activity will be included
an interest in the subject matter
E1575: Materials of the Future (NOVA Making Stuff) Part 2 Full!
Difficulty: *
We will watch NOVA Making Stuff Series together in class. This program tells about the future of materials in terms of science and engineering. The original series consists of four different topics; Stronger, Smaller, Cleaner and Smarter. Among those four series we will watch two of them, Cleaner on Saturday(part 1) and Smarter on Sunday(part 2).
Each program is about an hour long and we will have a discussion on what we watched.
You can sign up just one part, but be sure to sign up both to see part 1 and part 2.
*Part 1 is not required to take part 2. Part 1 of this class is E1273.
Loving science!
Each program is about an hour long and we will have a discussion on what we watched.
You can sign up just one part, but be sure to sign up both to see part 1 and part 2.
*Part 1 is not required to take part 2. Part 1 of this class is E1273.
Loving science!
E1275: Leaving the Earth a bit greener!
Difficulty: **
Srihari Yamanoor
So, you have all heard that you need to be “green” nowadays. Maybe there was a class you were at, or maybe your parents were discussing this stuff. We are going to spend some time trying to understand how our lifestyle, the way we live, go to school, go to work and everything else is affecting the planet. Here’s what we will discuss:
1. How can you change the way you live to help the planet?
2. What is energy? Why do we care so much about oil? How do we handle our energy needs for tomorrow?
3. What is the deal with recycling and composting? How can we all help?
If time permits, we will discuss related topics
In general it appears people in the 9th through 12th grades might enjoy this class. I will leave the requirements open, but only enroll if you are interested in learning more! Bring a lot of energy to the table. This will be a discussion based class, so I will be asking you to think a lot and answer questions - don't worry about being wrong, we will get to the right answer!
1. How can you change the way you live to help the planet?
2. What is energy? Why do we care so much about oil? How do we handle our energy needs for tomorrow?
3. What is the deal with recycling and composting? How can we all help?
If time permits, we will discuss related topics
In general it appears people in the 9th through 12th grades might enjoy this class. I will leave the requirements open, but only enroll if you are interested in learning more! Bring a lot of energy to the table. This will be a discussion based class, so I will be asking you to think a lot and answer questions - don't worry about being wrong, we will get to the right answer!
E1388: Rube Goldberg Challenge
Difficulty: *
Mai Le
This class is going to teach the basics of Rube Goldberg machine design followed by a Rube Goldberg machine team challenge! A Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately over-engineered machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. For a really cool, over-the-top example, take a look at Ok Go’s This Too Shall Pass music video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w
This class is going to be taught by an awesome team from the Stanford Society of Women Engineers!
This class is going to be taught by an awesome team from the Stanford Society of Women Engineers!
E1419: The Science of Spectacular Photographs
Difficulty: **
Vijay Narasimhan,
Ricky Roesler
Why don’t your vacation photos wind up on the cover of National Geographic? You could blame it on your crummy camera, or you could learn to take better photos with science.
Can you make the sky look more blue? Why are night photos so grainy? How can you make a blurry image sharper?
In this course, we explore the physical phenomena behind taking a great photo. Students will learn about light, color, digital cameras, and image manipulation with demonstrations and experiments.
Basic optics or photography helpful but not necessary.
Can you make the sky look more blue? Why are night photos so grainy? How can you make a blurry image sharper?
In this course, we explore the physical phenomena behind taking a great photo. Students will learn about light, color, digital cameras, and image manipulation with demonstrations and experiments.
Basic optics or photography helpful but not necessary.
E1272: Blinky Bugs
Difficulty: *
Caroline Abbott,
Shaheen Jeeawoody
Learn the basics of LEDs, circuits, and engineering principles while making blinky bugs! This class will consist of a short lecture and a hands-on activity.
Interest in engineering / building / science / fun
Interest in engineering / building / science / fun
E1281: San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge Full!
Difficulty: **
michael daly
A basic explanation of the design, fabrication and erection of the new bridge. Slides and photographs will be used to tell the story.
An interest in the subject --no special educational background is needed.
An interest in the subject --no special educational background is needed.
E1460: How your brain thinks
Difficulty: ***
Anthony Kaveh
Have you wondered how your brain reacts when it sees things? Or what your brain does when you are thinking or talking?
Have you wondered if your brain is smarter than a computer? Or how to build a brain like a computer?
This course will explain the basics of how your brain works compared to a computer from a basic mathematical and engineering point of view. These concepts lie at the heart of biology, medicine, and engineering.
Have you wondered if your brain is smarter than a computer? Or how to build a brain like a computer?
This course will explain the basics of how your brain works compared to a computer from a basic mathematical and engineering point of view. These concepts lie at the heart of biology, medicine, and engineering.
E1276: So what the heck does an engineer do?
Difficulty: *
Srihari Yamanoor
At least some of you have read about all this hue and cry about the US needing more engineers, more innovation and so on an on.
But what exactly does an engineer do?
What does it take to be an engineer and is it ever going to be exciting?
Well, from buildings to cars, from robots to spacecrafts, from medical devices to video games, engineers do it all...well, there are engineers who specialize in all kinds of cool stuff.
Come to this class, let's open it up and discuss what engineers do!
You really don't need to know much to come to this class - just have an open mind, and show up!
But what exactly does an engineer do?
What does it take to be an engineer and is it ever going to be exciting?
Well, from buildings to cars, from robots to spacecrafts, from medical devices to video games, engineers do it all...well, there are engineers who specialize in all kinds of cool stuff.
Come to this class, let's open it up and discuss what engineers do!
You really don't need to know much to come to this class - just have an open mind, and show up!
E1534: GPS - how does it work?
Difficulty: **
Ksenia Dmitrieva
Today almost everyone has a GPS in their car. How does it work? How can it know my exact location?
In this class I will tell you how GPS works, and I will show you some cool applications of it.
In this class I will tell you how GPS works, and I will show you some cool applications of it.
E1566: Prototyping with SketchUp & Intro to 3D Printing
Difficulty: **
Will Tucker
Among its many other innovative products, Google has given the world SketchUp, a 3D modeling program. Designed for ease of use, it allows you to create virtual representations of whatever you can imagine.
We will teach you the basics of how to use Sketchup. Then we'll let you design something of your own and prototype it virtually and physically.
Finally, we will explore the exciting new world of 3D printing and look at examples.
Ability to use a computer :)
We will teach you the basics of how to use Sketchup. Then we'll let you design something of your own and prototype it virtually and physically.
Finally, we will explore the exciting new world of 3D printing and look at examples.
Ability to use a computer :)
H1414: The Fundamentals of Baskeball
Difficulty: **
Henry Biermann,
Ethan Myers
In this course, you will learn basic teamwork skills, ball handling skills, and effective offensive moves.
H1435: K-Pop and Korean Culture Full!
Difficulty: *
Tracy Caroline Bank
Have you ever heard of 2pm? Girls' Generation? Did you know that the most photographed celebrities of all time are a Korean boy band or that Megan Fox's celebrity crush is a Korean singer named Rain? If you didn't, or if you did but love to talk about Korean popular culture as much as I do, then come watch music videos and discuss a new cultural phenomenon!
H1540: What the heck is Touhou?
Difficulty: *
Russell Chou
You might have heard of Touhou Project, a series of fan-made shoot-em-up games that have taken the anime-comic-game community by storm, racking up hits on websites such as Pixiv, NicoNicoDouga, and conventions like Comiket. Come learn about why it is the #1 most popular fan franchise in internet history!
H1580: Advanced Statistics in Basketball Full!
Difficulty: **
Pierce Huchton,
john pluvinage
This course will focus on utilizing advanced statistics, such as PER, win shares, and true shooting percentage to determine the efficiency of players that are known as "superstars" in the NBA. We will attempt to determine whether players like Kobe Bryant are truly clutch under pressure by delving into these statistics. We will also look into the MVP race and whether advanced statistics should be used in determining this award.
This will also be an interactive class where we will play basketball and attempt to calculate our own statistics to bridge the gap between perception and reality.
An interest in basketball is necessary. Bring a calculator if possible. Wear athletic attire because we will being playing basketball.
This will also be an interactive class where we will play basketball and attempt to calculate our own statistics to bridge the gap between perception and reality.
An interest in basketball is necessary. Bring a calculator if possible. Wear athletic attire because we will being playing basketball.
H1289: Learn to Juggle
Difficulty: *
Charlie Dunn
Come learn how to juggle three balls, or learn some new tricks from members of Down With Gravity, Stanford's Juggling Club. Absolutely no experience necessary!
H1355: Brainteasers, Puzzles and Logic
Difficulty: **
Igor Geller,
Benjamin Switala
Students will get all sorts of logic puzzles of different difficulty levels to work on. We'll also have a short general discussion about the concept of evenness and how it can be used to solve logic problems of varying difficulty.
General interest in logic puzzles
General interest in logic puzzles
H1398: How to slackline
Difficulty: *
stephen hibbs
Slacklining is a bit like tightrope walking, and we'll go over the basics of balancing on a slackline, how to control your body and focus, and how to make your own for $20.
H1413: Intro to Go
Difficulty: **
Daniel Whalen
Do you like strategy games? Take this class and learn one of the oldest. We’ll teach you the basics of go and give you plenty of time to play against each other.
H1429: Grow Your Own Food!
Difficulty: *
Victoria Chang
Have you ever wanted to grow your own food? Are you intrigued by homesteaders in The Little House books, by victory gardens planted by Americans in the 40's, or by the organic produce at local farmers’ markets? If so, then you might enjoy vegetable gardening! Gardening is a fun and rewarding hobby that has increased in popularity in recent years.
In this course, students will learn some basics of vegetable gardening. Students will start their own plants from seed, and will be provided with a plant to take home. I will also provide a care sheet and a list of books and websites for further reading.
A willingness to play with dirt!
In this course, students will learn some basics of vegetable gardening. Students will start their own plants from seed, and will be provided with a plant to take home. I will also provide a care sheet and a list of books and websites for further reading.
A willingness to play with dirt!
H1512: Bicycling Across America
Difficulty: *
Scott Meyer
Biking from San Francisco, CA to Portland, ME is possible. In fact, thousands of people have done it.
Learn about the planning and execution of riding a bicycle from one coast to the other. There will be a brief talk of all the equipment one would need (all brought to class and you are welcome to touch), the hardships faced during the trip, and the training necessary to be able to undertake .
I’ll have photographs and videos from my trip which was completed last Summer for a total of 4,844 miles in three months.
The class will be an exciting lecture taught in a fluid manner so that you may ask questions at any time.
Learn about the planning and execution of riding a bicycle from one coast to the other. There will be a brief talk of all the equipment one would need (all brought to class and you are welcome to touch), the hardships faced during the trip, and the training necessary to be able to undertake .
I’ll have photographs and videos from my trip which was completed last Summer for a total of 4,844 miles in three months.
The class will be an exciting lecture taught in a fluid manner so that you may ask questions at any time.
H1541: Vocaloid: The Electronic Singing Sensation
Difficulty: *
Russell Chou
Have you heard of supercell? Do you know who Hatsune Miku is? Explore Japanese MAD's and the virtual singing idol software Vocaloid and how they have impacted Japanese popular culture, as well as the vehicle for such expressions of creativity, NicoNicoDouga.
H1245: Breakdancing 101 Full!
Difficulty: **
Leo Rong
In this class you will learn some basic breakdance moves - Toprock, footwork, freeze... After you are familiar with the basics, we will all learn a short routine together. Get EXCITING and PHYSICAL =P
H1433: Learn to slack line!
Difficulty: *
Leah Francis
Have you ever wanted to be a tight rope walker? Take this class and you will learn the basics of slack line walking. Slack lining is like tight rope walking except the walker treads a 2 inch wide nylon strap stretched between two posts or trees. This course will focus on standing, walking, turning, and jumping onto the slack line. It is a class for beginners so don't be afraid to give it a try. The line will only be about 2 ft off the grass.
Just come excited to learn how to slackline!
Just come excited to learn how to slackline!
H1277: Perfect Pout: Make-Up Artistry Full!
Difficulty: **
Rosalyn Somsak
Learn the basics of make-up application as well as techniques in professional make-up. How to choose the perfection foundation and blush. Master the cat-eye. Smear-proof eyeliner. Correct, Conceal, Contour, and Highlight! Learn different looks for night and day.
Wear the perfect pout to prom!
Wear the perfect pout to prom!
H1293: Nutrition Label reading + Introduction to Chi Quong exercise
Difficulty: *
May To
Come and learn what you are eating!!
We will explore label reading on packaged foods - fresh, frozen, canned, as a meal, desserts, cereals and more.
There will be samples and hands on practise. At the end, let’s have some fun and strength a little. There will be a short but fun session on introduction to Chi Quong for health and everyday exercise. It is simple and easy to do.
We will explore label reading on packaged foods - fresh, frozen, canned, as a meal, desserts, cereals and more.
There will be samples and hands on practise. At the end, let’s have some fun and strength a little. There will be a short but fun session on introduction to Chi Quong for health and everyday exercise. It is simple and easy to do.
H1381: Hand-made Greeting Cards
Difficulty: *
Shuai Chen,
Eleanor Lin
Buying commercial card-making materials can get expensive quickly. We will teach you how to creatively use everyday materials to make thoughtful, personalized cards that look as good as ready-made kits. Come join us as we repurpose and recycle fabrics, ribbons, buttons, magazines, and other household supplies.
H1434: Chinese Knotting
Difficulty: *
Hailun Ni,
Eileen Ung
Learn how to make cool key chains using decorative Chinese knotting lanyards! A must-take class or those who like arts-and-crafts!
H1519: Ultimate Fun Full!
Difficulty: *
Shannon Edd
Learning the basic Frisbee throws and playing a short game of Ultimate Frisbee.
None (just wearing proper attire).
None (just wearing proper attire).
H1526: Invent a Game
Difficulty: **
Bob Allen
Skill, chance, rewards? You decide! Play a game where the result is a new game. Takes a little over an hour, then compare notes with your fellow game designers.
An open mind. A sense of play.
An open mind. A sense of play.
H1542: Origami Roses 1
Difficulty: **
Russell Chou
Medium-difficulty origami roses. Some folding experience would be good.
Some folding experience would be good.
Some folding experience would be good.
H1560: Starcraft Fan Meetup
Difficulty: *
Andrew Spann
Make friends with students from other schools who love Starcraft and Starcraft II. We'll introduce each other then split up into discussion groups for those who want to discuss specific matchup strategies, their favorite professional gamers, or see videos of hilarious famous games. We won't have the time or computers to get a LAN setup, but you'll meet new people you can play with on Battle.net after Splash.
H1241: japanese shamisen instrument
Difficulty: **
Okasan techniques are used to learn the Japanese alpha, all 46 letters in just 10 minutes through song and dance. We will also present the shamisen a 3 stringed Japanese instrument and if time allows the art/crafts of sushi !
Open to anyone interested in Japanese music. Japanese sushi and Japanese alpha.
Open to anyone interested in Japanese music. Japanese sushi and Japanese alpha.
H1477: Friendship Braclet
Difficulty: **
jenny huang,
lisa sun
Want to make a friendship bracelet? A awesome friendship bracelet? Well, join my class and start learning how to make it!
H1411: Advanced Knots Full!
Difficulty: **
Andrea Hawksley,
Daniel Whalen
Sure, you can tie a square knot and a bowline, but there’s much more out there. Come learn to craft the butterfly knot, the icicle hitch, the zeppelin bend and whatever else we can teach you in 45 minutes.
H1417: Collage
Difficulty: *
Camden Minervino,
Rachel Zarrow
Learn about collage and combining multimedia to create art! While most people think of collage as simply a craft, many artists have expanded the field and collage is actually a respected art form (even Picasso made famous collages).
H1475: How to make Easter eggs!
Difficulty: *
Let's make some eggs colorful and basket beautiful!
H1527: Robotica Full!
Difficulty: *
Come learn to build robots using LEGO Mindstorms kits! We'll learn about building techniques as well as emphasize how to program the robots to move around!
H1250: Crocheting
Difficulty: *
Lay Kuan Loh
You'll learn how to crochet here. I'll be teaching the basics of crochet, and we'll try making a Grammy square. More possible projects depending on how quickly the class progresses.
H1378: Unleash Your Creativity: Return to Playtime
Difficulty: *
Maayan Dembo
Remember all those fun crafts you did in preschool and elementary school? All the things that made camp the BEST THING EVER?! Why not do them now? This class will basically be a 45 minute period where you can do those crafts again and reminisce on all those fun times you had! With very little instruction, its just a time to relax, be creative, and have fun! Crafts including but not limited too: melty beads, lanyards, play dough.
Must want to have fun.
Must want to have fun.
H1484: The Beautiful Game: Futbol/Soccer
Difficulty: **
Kwadwo Osei-Opare
A philosophical introduction into Soccer (Futbol), including training (tactical and technical) exercises, which will culminate in a few matches.
Anyone is welcome. Bring cleats and shin-guards. If you are a goal keeper, bring your gloves as well.
Anyone is welcome. Bring cleats and shin-guards. If you are a goal keeper, bring your gloves as well.
H1489: Jump Rope
Difficulty: **
Agatha Bacelar
Learn to jump rope and do cool tricks from a competitive jump roper! At first we'll watch a presentation with video clips to learn some background info and terminology. Then we'll either head outside or inside a gym to jump rope. We'll cover individual single rope tricks, partner and group jumping, "chinese wheel," speed, and double dutch.
Prior jump rope experience is helpful, but not required.
Prior jump rope experience is helpful, but not required.
H1511: An Abridged Introduction to Bridge
Difficulty: *
Bridge is a popular and exciting card game which tests your ability to communicate with other players, strategize, and keep track of probabilities. We will teach you the rules of bridge and give you a chance to practice playing the game with experienced Stanford students.
H1367: Cardmaking 101
Difficulty: *
Rachel Cota-Hochstetler,
Philip Stenberg
Bring your creative spirit and spend 45 minutes making the perfect Mother's Day Card or other spring-themed card that strikes your fancy. See examples, learn new techniques, and have fun!
A positive attitude!
A positive attitude!
H1553: Thai cooking Full!
Difficulty: **
Pakpoom Subsoontorn
Learn how to make classic Thai dishes in 30 mins
H1558: T-Shirt Reconstruction
Difficulty: **
Georgia Andrews
Bring in your old t-shirts and give them new life! We'll take your old/oversized/extra t-shirt and with the power of scissors and a little bit of sewing, we'll turn them into new and fabulous articles of clothing. This class will include a basic sewing lesson.
What you'll want to bring: a t-shirt you're okay with cutting up (it works best when it's loose and oversized) and a pair of scissors.
None, although if you have any sewing experience it'll be useful.
What you'll want to bring: a t-shirt you're okay with cutting up (it works best when it's loose and oversized) and a pair of scissors.
None, although if you have any sewing experience it'll be useful.
H1244: Balloon Animals (or balloon anything else!)
Difficulty: *
Dena Leeman
In this fun, relaxing class we’ll go over the basics of making balloon animals and then you’ll spend the rest of the time making whatever you want out of balloons! Come with ideas of what you’d like to make— no matter what it is, you can try to make it!
H1315: Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance
Difficulty: **
Tom Kabat
Bring your bike to a course intended to help both of you align your functions in harmony with nature. We will skim the surface of various philosophies and apply them to bike maintenance in a hands-on interactive practical and whimsical session. We hope to center ourselves and our wheels, adjust our attitudes and our shifters, lean on each other and our brakes. We hope to find the proper position both for ourselves on the bikes and for the bikes in the world.
H1366: Cartooning for Beginners
Difficulty: *
Jensen Tan
Your friend's birthday coming up? Draw a card for them instead of buying one! Learn basic cartoon drawing such as facial expressions, movements and character design. Express yourself in with just a pen and paper!
H1416: Horses 101: Basics
Difficulty: **
Logan Hehn
A crash course in horses covering anatomy, basic care and grooming, introduction to specialized equipment, and various disciplines of riding (hunt seat, dressage, western, et. al.).
H1469: Creature Lab: Build a miniature, flexible fabric monster Full!
Difficulty: **
Melody Lu,
Rebecca Stecker
Let’s get our granny on and make some mini stuffed animals! We’ll cover the basics of designing and building a wire armature that will make our creatures poseable. Drafting patterns will be discussed as we cut, sew, and stuff a skin to put on our wireframe. Finally, we'll embellish our critters out with beads, embroidery, and crazy tufts of hair using needle felting. Students will get to take home their mini monster at the end of the class.
A desire to unleash adorable monsters. You need to be able to thread a needle, but we can teach you how to sew.
A desire to unleash adorable monsters. You need to be able to thread a needle, but we can teach you how to sew.
H1253: Introduction to Photography
Difficulty: *
Noah Zallen
Curious about photography? Wish you could take eye-poping and memorable pictures, but feel like you can't or don't know how? Then this is the class for you! Introduction to Photography will teach you the tools and ideas you need, no matter what your experience level, to bring your photographic ideas to life.
Student's will learn by doing through a fun series of exercises that cover many essential elements of digital photography. Topics will include: framing & composition, lighting & exposure, aperture & shutter speed, motion, and even black and white photography.
You will be taking lots of pictures during class, so please do your best to bring a camera. Any type of digital camera will do. If you don't have one or forget, don't sweat it! A camera will be provided for those students to share.
No previous experience required.
Student's will learn by doing through a fun series of exercises that cover many essential elements of digital photography. Topics will include: framing & composition, lighting & exposure, aperture & shutter speed, motion, and even black and white photography.
You will be taking lots of pictures during class, so please do your best to bring a camera. Any type of digital camera will do. If you don't have one or forget, don't sweat it! A camera will be provided for those students to share.
No previous experience required.
H1260: Learn to Knit Full!
Difficulty: **
Marcella Anthony
Learn basic stitches and learn to read a knitting pattern. Participants will knit a blanket square and explore making other quick-knit items if time permits.
No pre-requisites
No pre-requisites
H1552: Paper folding: lotus & bird
Difficulty: *
Pakpoom Subsoontorn
Crash course in paper folding
H1303: Introduction to the Game of Go
Difficulty: *
Michael Kokosenski,
Eric Tran
Go is one of the world's oldest board games, originating in ancient China thousands of years ago. In the course we will cover the rules of the game and some basic strategy. Afterwards, we will have students play games against each other to solidify their understanding of the material.
There are no prerequisites for the course.
There are no prerequisites for the course.
H1349: Chess puzzles
Difficulty: *
Igor Geller,
Benjamin Switala
Students will be given chess puzzles to work on individually. The offered puzzles will range from easy to very very hard (depending on the level preferred by the student). Chess boards will be provided but feel free to bring your own.
You should know chess rules.
You should know chess rules.
H1409: Understanding Diplomacy through Wargaming
Difficulty: **
Daniel Whalen
Much of historical European politics would have made more sense if you were there at the time. This class will give you a chance to recreate those politics. Take command of countries in a simple war game and learn about the balance of power by seeing it play out in action.
H1521: Live Action Role Playing
Difficulty: **
Kimberly Taylor
LARP - Live Action Role Playing - is a place where theatric improvisation, imagination, and sports intersect. LARPers take on the persona of a character and act that personality out in an imaginary situation.
We’ll be going over different styles of LARPing and then actually trying a few out. No previous role-playing or acting experience is needed; just be ready to be a little silly and to try something new!
We’ll be going over different styles of LARPing and then actually trying a few out. No previous role-playing or acting experience is needed; just be ready to be a little silly and to try something new!
H1312: Zumba
Difficulty: *
Rebecca Amato,
Ana Rosa
Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music that creates a dynamic, exciting, and effective fitness system. We will lead the class in some fun, upbeat dance routines to well known songs that you can learn and practice on your own, to continue to be fit and have fun while dancing!
Please bring lots of energy, wear comfortable clothes, and come ready to have a great time!
Please bring lots of energy, wear comfortable clothes, and come ready to have a great time!
H1332: Swing Dance
Difficulty: *
Graham Herrli,
Cissy Yang
Learn how to swing dance. We'll cover several six-count swing moves and may progress to Lindy hop or Charleston.
H1514: Backcountry Camping and Basic Survival Skills
Difficulty: *
Lance Simms
Did you know that the vast majority of land in a National Park like Yosemite can't be explored in a day hike? Some of the most beautiful scenery and geological formations on earth can only be seen by walking dozens of miles from the nearest road (if you don't have your own personal helicopter). So how do people get to these places then?
In this class we'll introduce the basics of backcountry hiking and camping that are necessary to really get yourself out into the wilderness. We'll cover things like camping gear, route planning, weather prediction, navigation, first-aid, and finding water. And we'll also talk about some of the basic survival skills that will come in handy in almost any emergency situation.
A desire to explore and the will to live without the comforts of a hot shower or a cell phone signal for a few days
In this class we'll introduce the basics of backcountry hiking and camping that are necessary to really get yourself out into the wilderness. We'll cover things like camping gear, route planning, weather prediction, navigation, first-aid, and finding water. And we'll also talk about some of the basic survival skills that will come in handy in almost any emergency situation.
A desire to explore and the will to live without the comforts of a hot shower or a cell phone signal for a few days
H1530: Zen Meditation
Difficulty: **
Rebecca Nie
We will go over the basic posture, breathing technique, and concentration method to get you started on your spiritual path. We will also briefly discuss the history of Zen Buddhism, and share spontaneous jokes just like the Zen masters do in the olden days.
Of course, a little flexibility never hurts anyone, so we'll share some stretches to make your sits more comfortable for on-going practice.
Of course, a little flexibility never hurts anyone, so we'll share some stretches to make your sits more comfortable for on-going practice.
H1559: Marathoning Exposed
Difficulty: *
Mary Cameron
Have you ever thought about running a marathon or half marathon but thought it seemed impossible? It's not! We'll discuss training schedules, eating habits, and race day tips that can help you go from 0 to 26.2 in no time!
Life Skills
L1357: Public Speaking
Difficulty: **
Mollie Price
Public Speaking is most people's number one fear (more than fear of death, fear of heights, or fear of getting trapped in a small room with Charlie Sheen)
Take this section and leave with a toolbox full of tips and tricks for public speaking.
Take this section and leave with a toolbox full of tips and tricks for public speaking.
L1271: Leaders on the Field
Difficulty: *
Shaheen Jeeawoody
Did you ever want to be a leader, but didn't know how? Did you look at all those successful people who had fifty different titles and rankings and feel a little bit jealous? Hear about a different type of leadership in this class: leaders on the field.
Desire to be a leader (not necessarily President or CEO of XYZ)
Desire to be a leader (not necessarily President or CEO of XYZ)
L1353: Yummy Yummy Dumpling Full!
Difficulty: *
Do you love Chinese dumplings? Ever wonder how those delicious appetizers are made? In this class you will learn the famous art of dumpling making. In addition to learning this craft and sampling the fruits of your labor, you will have the chance to learn a few words of Chinese. If you have any interest in China or Chinese cuisine, this class is for you!
L1266: Warren Buffet: The Making of A Capitalist & How We Can Learn From Him
Difficulty: **
Jia Guo
Have you wondered how Warren Buffet become so wealthy and influential? If you have ever heard of your parents talking about investing their retirement fund (well, most likely they won't talk about it in front of you) and was curious to know what they are talking about, you should check out this class. Investing is an art and a science, and a life skill that is extremely useful for the rest of your life, and fascinating to learn.
Curiosity about the world of business and current affairs. Not afraid of math & numbers. Have some ideas about stockmarket (can name at least 10 companies on the stockmarket). Complete a couple reading items before class.
Curiosity about the world of business and current affairs. Not afraid of math & numbers. Have some ideas about stockmarket (can name at least 10 companies on the stockmarket). Complete a couple reading items before class.
L1439: Leadership
Difficulty: *
Karla Van Havel,
Ashley Van Havel
Learn about different kinds of leadership along with how and why each kind is important to society. Find out how you can make a difference in your community and why leadership is important.
L1508: College Bound
Difficulty: **
Aaron Fulk
Get information about the college application process including financial aid info. and help with writing essays. We will go through exercises with students to help them think about the ideal college for him or her. The teachers include a former admissions counselor and college access non-profit employees.
A strong desire to enroll in college
A strong desire to enroll in college
L1379: Think for yourself Full!
Difficulty: **
Mia Divecha,
Thomas Hendee
The newspaper says one thing, your parents say another, and your friends something else. How do you determine what you really think about an issue? Decipher facts from biases, decode analysis, and come to your own conclusion using different analytical techniques. Come explore the depths of your own mind!
An open mind!
An open mind!
L1222: Marshmallow Challenge - Collaboration, Prototyping, and Design Thinking
Difficulty: **
Renata Aryanti
How tall can you build a tower using marshmallow, spagetti and masking tape ? Why is this class useful for my life ? Come and be pleasantly surprised. You'll build the tower and then we'll talk about collaboration, prototyping and design thinking.
Enthusiasm and willingness to work in a team.
Enthusiasm and willingness to work in a team.
L1368: Giving Better Gifts: a Crash Course in Design Thinking
Difficulty: **
christin staubo
As a human, you've likely received gifts, some better than others. What makes a good gift good and more importantly how can we avoid giving terrible gifts? Join us for an introduction to the creative fuel that is Stanford's Design Thinking process.
An interest in design and crafting innovative experiences
An interest in design and crafting innovative experiences
L1390: Introduction to Philosophy (1 of 4): Origins of Philosophical Thinking Full!
Difficulty: ***
Erik Youngs
A brief overview of the main concepts of the ancient philosophers Plato and Aristotle and how the ideas of these thinkers relate to each other, as well as their historical importance. Lecture will last approximately 30 minutes with a concluding 15 minute question and answer session.
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture.
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture.
L1496: So you have a product idea...now what? How to turn a good idea into a great business
Difficulty: **
Tyler Bengtson
Have you ever looked at something and thought, "I wish it could do this," or "If it were just improved in this way, everyone would probably want one." Those are product ideas.
Unfortunately, in the "real" world, product ideas are not really worth much--people all over the world come up with great ideas every day. The difference however is in having a solid business plan that can take that idea and change the world with it--now that is valuable.
That is what this class is about.
We will cover real-world examples and use industry-leading techniques and tools--including ones I have used to drive million dollar decisions and launch whole new businesses--but discuss them in ways that are easy to understand and apply.
This class is for you if:
- You want to understand how companies make money (and why many companies don't)
- You want to start your own business or app someday and would like to avoid some common pitfalls
- You plan to work for a company someday and want to be able to choose one that will be successful
- You plan to be an engineer, a designer, or a business leader
- You have an invention in mind already or just want to learn about the practical steps that transform good ideas into great businesses
And bring your idea! There will be time to work on select ideas as a class, and plenty of open Q&A at the end.
Unfortunately, in the "real" world, product ideas are not really worth much--people all over the world come up with great ideas every day. The difference however is in having a solid business plan that can take that idea and change the world with it--now that is valuable.
That is what this class is about.
We will cover real-world examples and use industry-leading techniques and tools--including ones I have used to drive million dollar decisions and launch whole new businesses--but discuss them in ways that are easy to understand and apply.
This class is for you if:
- You want to understand how companies make money (and why many companies don't)
- You want to start your own business or app someday and would like to avoid some common pitfalls
- You plan to work for a company someday and want to be able to choose one that will be successful
- You plan to be an engineer, a designer, or a business leader
- You have an invention in mind already or just want to learn about the practical steps that transform good ideas into great businesses
And bring your idea! There will be time to work on select ideas as a class, and plenty of open Q&A at the end.
L1570: Seize the College Interview Full!
Difficulty: *
Tiffany Tseng
Are you a high school junior planning to apply to college in the fall? You may need to go through the college interview process! This class will help you prepare for a college interview and think about how to approach the questions you may be asked.
I have been an interviewer for MIT for the past two years and can share some of my experiences.
None, but should be a high school junior to sign up.
I have been an interviewer for MIT for the past two years and can share some of my experiences.
None, but should be a high school junior to sign up.
L1321: Making Good Decisions
Difficulty: *
Somik Raha
This course will give an introduction to the philosophy of Decision Analysis, knowing which, students will be able to assess the quality of their own decisions. Group exercises will help keep the learning experiential.
An open mind.
An open mind.
L1328: The Philosophy of Star Wars
Difficulty: *
Tim Huang,
Josh Parnell
In this course, we will explore the connections between the Star Wars movies (Episodes 1 through 6) and real life. We will examine key philosophies (i.e. light side vs. dark side) presented by the characters (Yoda, Anakin, etc.) and the plot of the movies. Lastly, we'll discover how these ideas relate back to you and how you should lead your life.
*May the force be with you...always!*
You should have some prior knowledge of Star Wars! (Having seen one of the movies will suffice).
*May the force be with you...always!*
You should have some prior knowledge of Star Wars! (Having seen one of the movies will suffice).
L1362: Think for Yourself Full!
Difficulty: **
Mia Divecha,
Thomas Hendee
The newspaper says one thing, your parents say another, and your friends something else. How do you determine what you really think about an issue? Decipher facts from biases, decode analysis, and come to your own conclusion using different analytical techniques. Come explore the depths of your own mind!
An open mind.
An open mind.
L1391: Introduction to Philosophy (2 of 4): Rationalism and Empiricism
Difficulty: ***
Erik Youngs
A brief overview of the main concepts of Early Modern Philosophy of the 17th and 18th Centuries by focusing on the views of the French rationalist Rene Descartes and the British empiricist John Locke. Emphasis will be placed on how the ideas of these thinkers relate to each other, as well as their historical importance. Lecture will last approximately 30 minutes with a concluding 15 minute question and answer session.
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1 before taking this course.**
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1 before taking this course.**
L1444: presentation skills
Difficulty: *
Karla Van Havel
Learn what makes a good presenter, how to communicate your ideas, and how to influence by knowing your audience.
L1536: Making the world a better place, one community at a time.
Difficulty: **
Samri Tessema
Are you a leader? Are you a change maker?
Do you see a need in your community?
Do you want to find ways of filling that need?
What is sustainable community building?
This is a focus group-style course in which I will help students to develop their community improvement ideas, and find ways to begin implementing them. We will use fun activities in class to test our community building projects.
Motivated young people who want to make their communities stronger!
Do you see a need in your community?
Do you want to find ways of filling that need?
What is sustainable community building?
This is a focus group-style course in which I will help students to develop their community improvement ideas, and find ways to begin implementing them. We will use fun activities in class to test our community building projects.
Motivated young people who want to make their communities stronger!
L1329: Happiness and Finding your Passion
Difficulty: **
Aditya Todi
The course will teach students some ways to find happiness in their day to day life and will establish a stage for them to think about things they like and possible majors for college.
L1466: Practicing Random Acts of Kindness Full!
Difficulty: *
Marta Hanson
Ever heard of random acts of kindness? Come learn about what they are, why they matter, and how they can change the world - and then do one yourself!
"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve... you only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love." -Martin Luther King, Jr. (so... none!)
"Everybody can be great because anybody can serve... you only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love." -Martin Luther King, Jr. (so... none!)
L1470: Head over Heels
Difficulty: *
Kate Thomas
omg shoes! ...Functional pieces of art that have the power to make political statements, define a cultural era, and even make you taller!
This class takes a look at everything you've ever wanted to know about shoes, including but not limited to:
The history of shoes
Shoes in popular books and movies
The art of shoe shopping
This class takes a look at everything you've ever wanted to know about shoes, including but not limited to:
The history of shoes
Shoes in popular books and movies
The art of shoe shopping
L1502: Courtroom Debate Strategies
Difficulty: **
Courtroom Debate Strategies- Pre Law
An introduction to the courtroom through mock trials. Plaintiff and Defendant opening statements and introduction to the trials.
Prerequisites: Open to any pre law students or anyone interested in the legal profession.
An introduction to the courtroom through mock trials. Plaintiff and Defendant opening statements and introduction to the trials.
Prerequisites: Open to any pre law students or anyone interested in the legal profession.
L1550: Inspiring Series - Lessons from Muhammad Ali Full!
Difficulty: **
Saad Bhamla
Ever wonder what makes great champions? What drives them? What inspires them?
In this class, we will take a glimpse into the life of Ali - nicknamed 'The Greatest' - who won the World Heavyweight Championship three times.
But Ali was more than just a boxer - he was a social activist, a non-conformist, someone who stood for more than just boxing. And was willing to to stand for it even if it meant losing everything else he had worked for.
We will discuss about Ali's life and understand what we can learn about life from this 'boxing philosopher'.
Famous Ali quote - " I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."
1) Have a one minute inspiring story to share. 2) Name at least one role model who you look up to. 3) Have a goal/dream.
In this class, we will take a glimpse into the life of Ali - nicknamed 'The Greatest' - who won the World Heavyweight Championship three times.
But Ali was more than just a boxer - he was a social activist, a non-conformist, someone who stood for more than just boxing. And was willing to to stand for it even if it meant losing everything else he had worked for.
We will discuss about Ali's life and understand what we can learn about life from this 'boxing philosopher'.
Famous Ali quote - " I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."
1) Have a one minute inspiring story to share. 2) Name at least one role model who you look up to. 3) Have a goal/dream.
L1319: The Value of Values
Difficulty: **
Somik Raha
This class will take a look at the value of values, and share case studies and stories of organizations and institutions that have aligned their decisions with their deepest values and acted as beyond-profits. In particular, we will examine examples from the airline industry, the automobile industry, the software industry and martial arts.
We will examine a framework to understand one's own values and communicate them using value diagrams.
The class will be interactive and examine practical questions that come up around being true to one's deepest values.
An open mind
We will examine a framework to understand one's own values and communicate them using value diagrams.
The class will be interactive and examine practical questions that come up around being true to one's deepest values.
An open mind
L1341: How to draw anything... FAST: The principles of sketching applied to all endeavours in life
Difficulty: **
Melquiades Olivares
Learn how to draw anything (awesome skill), and in learning, learn how to succeed in any endeavor in life.
This class is simple:
step 1.) Learn how to draw like the old masters (even if you can't draw now) using the method I was taught when I was your age. THUS: Be able to sketch anything.
step 2.) Apply the method/principles you learned from drawing to all aspects of your life.
step 3.) Win at life.
This is a class that teaches a skill and a set of principles that will allow you to excel in any endeavor, in any part of life...ever...forever..(sounds too good right?)
DO you like drawing? hate drawing? wish you could draw? know you can draw? know you are the worst artist in the world? know for a fact you can draw better than I can because you are the best?
GREAT. this class is for you.
Learn how to draw/sketch like the old masters. quickly! this translates into illustrations, comic books, fine art, graphic design, etc etc etc.
Being able to visually communicate ideas is important for every major, every profession from math intensive engineers to artsy marketing specialists. An illustration (often on a napkin) is worth 1000 words (and some venture capital). Being able to draw anything from a product to a brain map to your dog will prove useful forever.
HOWEVER: you will also learn a powerful set of tools while you are drawing with this method.
1.) how to remove your ego/emotions from a problem/task at hand.
2.) how to not give up ever (though there is another class offered only on this subject )
3.) how to set goals. (no one teaches this anymore its crazy)
4.) how to never fail again.
5.) best way to start a new project
6.) how to become truly confident in a skill
7.) how to tackle overwhelming challenges.
"Can you even draw mr. instructor? you sound like an over confident pompous jerk"
Yes, I was trained in illustration by Disney's Ryman institute and have sketched alongside real Disney artists in their studios in Glendale. Since then I have used those skills in freelance illustration, graphic design, web design, tattoo design, sticker design, toy design. etc... and no I'm not a jerk.
However, using the same principles (no joke) I learned when I was trained to draw in highschool (very specific, easy to teach, principles that you will be taught). I have become the main PR representative for a Lunar Lander team racing to land on the moon, planned a successful international musical tour for a 19 person band, embarked on a yearlong journey to speak 9 languages (3 down), Am creating the future marines of creative consulting at Techshop Inc, Learned 8 musical instruments, Submitted a toy to the new york toy fair a month ago, Worked in Tokyo for 3 months for the largest train company in all of Japan writing reports, (now if that's not a weird enough list of random stuff...)
Drawing can teach you all this? It can.
come hang out. Its going to be fun. Plus you get to draw for three hours, which is cool. parents can come too, if they're cool.
This class is simple:
step 1.) Learn how to draw like the old masters (even if you can't draw now) using the method I was taught when I was your age. THUS: Be able to sketch anything.
step 2.) Apply the method/principles you learned from drawing to all aspects of your life.
step 3.) Win at life.
This is a class that teaches a skill and a set of principles that will allow you to excel in any endeavor, in any part of life...ever...forever..(sounds too good right?)
DO you like drawing? hate drawing? wish you could draw? know you can draw? know you are the worst artist in the world? know for a fact you can draw better than I can because you are the best?
GREAT. this class is for you.
Learn how to draw/sketch like the old masters. quickly! this translates into illustrations, comic books, fine art, graphic design, etc etc etc.
Being able to visually communicate ideas is important for every major, every profession from math intensive engineers to artsy marketing specialists. An illustration (often on a napkin) is worth 1000 words (and some venture capital). Being able to draw anything from a product to a brain map to your dog will prove useful forever.
HOWEVER: you will also learn a powerful set of tools while you are drawing with this method.
1.) how to remove your ego/emotions from a problem/task at hand.
2.) how to not give up ever (though there is another class offered only on this subject )
3.) how to set goals. (no one teaches this anymore its crazy)
4.) how to never fail again.
5.) best way to start a new project
6.) how to become truly confident in a skill
7.) how to tackle overwhelming challenges.
"Can you even draw mr. instructor? you sound like an over confident pompous jerk"
Yes, I was trained in illustration by Disney's Ryman institute and have sketched alongside real Disney artists in their studios in Glendale. Since then I have used those skills in freelance illustration, graphic design, web design, tattoo design, sticker design, toy design. etc... and no I'm not a jerk.
However, using the same principles (no joke) I learned when I was trained to draw in highschool (very specific, easy to teach, principles that you will be taught). I have become the main PR representative for a Lunar Lander team racing to land on the moon, planned a successful international musical tour for a 19 person band, embarked on a yearlong journey to speak 9 languages (3 down), Am creating the future marines of creative consulting at Techshop Inc, Learned 8 musical instruments, Submitted a toy to the new york toy fair a month ago, Worked in Tokyo for 3 months for the largest train company in all of Japan writing reports, (now if that's not a weird enough list of random stuff...)
Drawing can teach you all this? It can.
come hang out. Its going to be fun. Plus you get to draw for three hours, which is cool. parents can come too, if they're cool.
L1402: The Art of the Epic Speech
Difficulty: *
Dersu Abolfathi,
Austin Meyer
Ever wish none of it had happened? "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for us to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
So said Gandalf Stormcrow to Frodo Baggins, who faced a seemingly unsurmountable task ahead of him. It is often the case that such inconceivable acts heroism,, such as Frodo's quest to destroy the ring, are inspired and derived from the epic speeches that precede them. Yet, giving epic speeches holds a firm place in our day to day lives. Drawing cues from classics such as the Lord of the Rings and Braveheart, this class will explore techniques and methods for performing meaningful and emphatic epic speeches.
Join us for a class that will inspire, enlighten, and instill a strength within you that you never knew existed.
Passion; Love for epicness
So said Gandalf Stormcrow to Frodo Baggins, who faced a seemingly unsurmountable task ahead of him. It is often the case that such inconceivable acts heroism,, such as Frodo's quest to destroy the ring, are inspired and derived from the epic speeches that precede them. Yet, giving epic speeches holds a firm place in our day to day lives. Drawing cues from classics such as the Lord of the Rings and Braveheart, this class will explore techniques and methods for performing meaningful and emphatic epic speeches.
Join us for a class that will inspire, enlighten, and instill a strength within you that you never knew existed.
Passion; Love for epicness
L1551: Inspiring Series - Lessons from Lance Armstrong Full!
Difficulty: **
Saad Bhamla
Ever wonder what makes great champions? What drives them? What inspires them?
In this class, we will take a glimpse into the life of Lance - nicknamed 'The Boss' - who won the Tour De France, an unprecedented seven times, after having survived testicular cancer.
We will discuss about Lance's life and understand what we can learn from this champion who has inspired thousands of lives.
Famous Lance quote - " Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
1) Have a one minute inspiring story to share. 2) Name at least one role model who you look up to. 3) Have a goal/dream.
In this class, we will take a glimpse into the life of Lance - nicknamed 'The Boss' - who won the Tour De France, an unprecedented seven times, after having survived testicular cancer.
We will discuss about Lance's life and understand what we can learn from this champion who has inspired thousands of lives.
Famous Lance quote - " Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever."
1) Have a one minute inspiring story to share. 2) Name at least one role model who you look up to. 3) Have a goal/dream.
L1571: What is Happiness and how can YOU attain it? Full!
Difficulty: *
Eden Mesfin,
Issra Omer
This class will teach you the skills needed towards living a happy and fulfilling life. We will teach you how to balance different aspects your life, from school to relationships, and how to incorporate positivity into your daily life. We will cover different topics, such as stress management, healthy eating, meditation, self-reflection, and more. We want you to leave with an appreciation for yourself and others.
L1306: Never Give Up!
Difficulty: **
Fatema AlGharbi
In this class we will learn how to not give up! We will look at successful people in life, watch some clips and listen to stories, then we will have some challenging tasks as well.
Learn for fun!
Learn for fun!
L1404: Crafting the Ultimate College Application Essay Full!
Difficulty: *
Rachel Cota-Hochstetler
Everyone has a story that is worth telling- are you ready to share yours when it counts most?
The thought of writing your college application essays may seem intimidating now, but after attending this workshop you'll be prepared and even excited for the task. Together we'll complete topic brainstorming activities (that don't even feel like brainstorming!), small group discussions and review important tips so that you leave with at least one essay topic as well as the confidence you need to apply anywhere.
A willingness to participate in a hands-on workshop. You will get as much out of it as you put into it!
The thought of writing your college application essays may seem intimidating now, but after attending this workshop you'll be prepared and even excited for the task. Together we'll complete topic brainstorming activities (that don't even feel like brainstorming!), small group discussions and review important tips so that you leave with at least one essay topic as well as the confidence you need to apply anywhere.
A willingness to participate in a hands-on workshop. You will get as much out of it as you put into it!
L1471: Pathways to high income careers
Difficulty: *
Tim Jaconette
This course will explain a number of high income occupations and how you can go about find a job working in these fields.
Sometimes advance planning is necessary to pursue a career that yields a large salary.
We will discuss college majors, entry level jobs, working conditions and strategies for developing a career path that leads to a high income occupation. We will focus specifically on careers that pay in the top 5-10% of American incomes.
This will be an honest and straightforward course. We will also discuss the hardships often associated with pursuing high income careers.
This course is appropriate for any age or level. This course will present options for academically gifted students and also for students who have trouble in school. We will present high income careers for any type of person.
Sometimes advance planning is necessary to pursue a career that yields a large salary.
We will discuss college majors, entry level jobs, working conditions and strategies for developing a career path that leads to a high income occupation. We will focus specifically on careers that pay in the top 5-10% of American incomes.
This will be an honest and straightforward course. We will also discuss the hardships often associated with pursuing high income careers.
This course is appropriate for any age or level. This course will present options for academically gifted students and also for students who have trouble in school. We will present high income careers for any type of person.
L1492: Introduction to Philosophy (3 of 4): Skepticism and Belief
Difficulty: ***
Erik Youngs
A brief overview of the main concepts of the Scottish skeptic David Hume and how the German thinker Immanuel Kant attempted to answer Hume's skepticism with his own philosophy, which has skeptical implications of its own. Emphasis will be placed on how the ideas of these thinkers relate to each other, as well as their historical importance. Lecture will last approximately 30 minutes with a concluding 15 minute question and answer session.
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1 and 2 before taking this course.**
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1 and 2 before taking this course.**
L1284: Real life: Getting a Job
Difficulty: *
Tin Tin Wisniewski
What is a job? Learn how to deal with the various aspects of the job search and work life, for example resume writing, job interviewing, thank you letters, and, ultimately, entertaining job offers and position.
List 3 skills or positive qualities
List 3 skills or positive qualities
L1474: Public speaking interactive workshop Full!
Difficulty: **
Tim Jaconette
We will work together to practice and improve public speaking skills. Each student will deliver a short impromptu speech. Instruction will be offered but this will be a group activity class where learning will also come from practice and peer critique. If you are not already comfortable talking in front of others, please choose a different class.
Class is taught by a graduate of Stanford's communication program.
This class is only offered for 10 students. If you sign up please show up! If you are on the fence about attending or plan to skip class please register for a different class.
Please arrive on time.
Please bring a pencil or pen to class.
Must be willing and able to speak in front of other people in a group setting.
Class is taught by a graduate of Stanford's communication program.
This class is only offered for 10 students. If you sign up please show up! If you are on the fence about attending or plan to skip class please register for a different class.
Please arrive on time.
Please bring a pencil or pen to class.
Must be willing and able to speak in front of other people in a group setting.
L1537: Practical Goal Setting and Achievement!
Difficulty: **
Tim Huang
Ever set a New Years Resolution?
Ever fail to follow through with it?
In this class, you'll learn how to craft goals and goal statements that you will actually achieve! You'll learn why people often fail to achieve their goals and resolutions, and how to follow through with your personalized goals.
An open mind.
Ever fail to follow through with it?
In this class, you'll learn how to craft goals and goal statements that you will actually achieve! You'll learn why people often fail to achieve their goals and resolutions, and how to follow through with your personalized goals.
An open mind.
L1257: It's your life, isn't it time you made things happen?
Difficulty: *
David Liguori
Ever wonder how or why things always seem to work out for some people but not others? Is it pure luck, or do we actually have the ability to have a greater influence over our reality than we think.
If you really want to know, come with an open mind and be prepared to push the limits of your beliefs about yourself. You really can be more and do more than you think, once you know how.
If you really want to know, come with an open mind and be prepared to push the limits of your beliefs about yourself. You really can be more and do more than you think, once you know how.
L1299: Compass to College...and Confidence!
Difficulty: *
Marci Reichelstein
Gain an overview of year-by-year planning to best ensure college admission into your 'best-fit' colleges. More importantly, learn how you can start building exceptional academic and extra-curricular experiences EARLY. Dare to take a UNIQUE deep dive into something that fascinates YOU! You''ll build way more than a 'life-force' for your college applications. The end-benefits are resilience, resourcefulness and a 'can-do' confidence that will serve you for the rest of your life.
An open mind. Ability to view problems as opportunities. Nerve to reinvent yourself. Capacity to learn from failure. Energy. Imagination. Tenacity. Desire.
An open mind. Ability to view problems as opportunities. Nerve to reinvent yourself. Capacity to learn from failure. Energy. Imagination. Tenacity. Desire.
L1327: Cracking the ACT
Difficulty: **
Teresa Nguyen
Thinking about standardized testing, specifically taking the ACT? The test can be a lot easier than you think! In this course, we will go over the most common questions that appear on the ACT, go through each category (English, Math, Reading, and Science) and develop techniques on how to tackle each section, and finally, learn tricks (yes, real tricks) to beat this test!
L1387: How to Be A World Changer
Difficulty: **
Lucy Litvak,
Eva Orbuch
Do you want to change the world through activism, public service, philanthropy, etc? This class is for students who may already be involved in world-changing projects or who simply have an idea for how to do so. Whatever stage you are at in your journey of service, join us for a workshop that will give you concrete skills in finding an idea that aligns with your passions, coming up with a plan, and making it happen!
No prior experience in service necessary- only a passion and desire to take action.
No prior experience in service necessary- only a passion and desire to take action.
L1392: Introduction to Philosophy (4 of 4): Pessimism and Optimism
Difficulty: ***
Erik Youngs
A brief overview of the main concepts of two of the most prominent and influential 19th Century German philosophers, the pessimist Arthur Schopenhauer and his more optimistic antagonist Friedrich Nietzsche. An emphasis will be placed on how the ideas of these two thinkers relate to each other, as well as their historical importance. Lecture will last approximately 30 minutes with a concluding 15 minute question and answer session.
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1, 2, and 3 before taking this course.**
An interest in different and challenging ideas and a willingness to participate in the discussion component of the class as well as respectful attentiveness during the lecture. **Note: One does NOT need to first take Introduction to Philosophy 1, 2, and 3 before taking this course.**
L1454: Globe Trotting: An Introduction to the Art of Student Travel
Difficulty: *
Pearly Meixsel
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? To experience authentic cultural experiences first hand? To go bungee-jumping in New Zealand? To see the Mona Lisa for your own eyes in Paris? To feast on the world's freshest sushi in Japan?
Most importantly, do you hope to accomplish this before you are too old to stay in a youth hostel?
Well, if so, then this course is for you.
This class will explore the many facets of traveling as a young adult in today's world. It will be taught in an informal lecture setting to provide students with resources that will help them succeed as travelers before reaching retirement.
Topics include:
-How to Choose a Destination
-How to Travel Safely
-How to Travel on a Budget
-Suggestions on Where to Go Before You're Too Old!
Essential: An insatiable desire to see as much of the world as possible, as soon as possible. Recommended: Before class, take time to brainstorm and write down any questions you may have about travel. That way this course will hopefully clarify student travel as much as possible.
Most importantly, do you hope to accomplish this before you are too old to stay in a youth hostel?
Well, if so, then this course is for you.
This class will explore the many facets of traveling as a young adult in today's world. It will be taught in an informal lecture setting to provide students with resources that will help them succeed as travelers before reaching retirement.
Topics include:
-How to Choose a Destination
-How to Travel Safely
-How to Travel on a Budget
-Suggestions on Where to Go Before You're Too Old!
Essential: An insatiable desire to see as much of the world as possible, as soon as possible. Recommended: Before class, take time to brainstorm and write down any questions you may have about travel. That way this course will hopefully clarify student travel as much as possible.
L1524: Public Speaking Boot Camp
Difficulty: **
Daniel Holstein
Alright. Public speaking is amazing. Honestly, without it, I wouldn't have even come close to getting into Stanford. It got me a few elected positions, allowed me to stand up to some really unjust policies, and leave high school with a bang. If you want to improve or fine tune your public speaking, this class is for you. EVERYONE will get practice time. EVERYONE will get feedback. EVERYONE will be taught some basic skillz. Small groups at first, then a finale in front of a large group. Now, this course will be no walk in the park. It will be tough. Including writing and delivering your own, 1-minute speech. But by the end, I hope you will be pretty dang satisfied with the results: your new public speaking skillzzz.
L1256: Discover Your Destiny
Difficulty: **
Melanie Hayes
What should you do with your life? How do you figure out what you are meant to be doing? What are your authentic talents, interests, and possibilities? Using some off-the-wall life coaching techniques, this class will help you work it out.
Keep a dream journal for two weeks before the class. (Write down everything you remember about your dreams the minute you wake up. Bring the journal with you to class. You may edit out anything you don't wish to share.)
Keep a dream journal for two weeks before the class. (Write down everything you remember about your dreams the minute you wake up. Bring the journal with you to class. You may edit out anything you don't wish to share.)
L1280: Treadmills, Tracks, and Trails: How To Become A Runner Full!
Difficulty: *
Casi Lumbra,
Bonnie McLindon
Lean the basics of a lifelong activity: running! We will cover training theories, different race types, racing strategy, running shoes, injury prevention, track use, and motivational techniques. We hope you'll be running out the door when you leave!
L1340: Planning a UC Transfer
Difficulty: *
Kevin Liang
This course is geared towards students who are thinking about pursuing a UC transfer. You will learn how to know if you should pursue a UC transfer, how to take advantage of it, and finally be a successful transfer.
L1501: Growing Creativity
Difficulty: *
Nishant Jacob,
Tianay Pulphus
Growing Creativity is a class on the Design Process and Design Thinking. Design Thinking is a methodology that teaches students to creatively solve problems in their lives. Creative confidence comes from repeated practice using a human-centered creative process to solve problem scenarios called design challenges. After using the process on these challenges, students will have another tool, the design thinking process, to apply towards solving real life problems.
The class will be run in the form of a workshop centered on a design challenge that relates to an experience all the students are familiar with, such as redesigning the lunch experience or redesigning the school backpack. The workshop consists of exercises including interviews to understand your user, ways to define your users needs, group brainstorming to get tons of great ideas, prototyping to test those ideas quickly and user feedback to build on those ideas.
The workshop emphasizes 3 primary mindsets:
- Human centered or user centered design with a focus on empathy
- Bias towards action, prototyping and rapid testing
- Ideating, brainstorming and inspiring creative confidence
Willingness to be a creative, passionate team player .
The class will be run in the form of a workshop centered on a design challenge that relates to an experience all the students are familiar with, such as redesigning the lunch experience or redesigning the school backpack. The workshop consists of exercises including interviews to understand your user, ways to define your users needs, group brainstorming to get tons of great ideas, prototyping to test those ideas quickly and user feedback to build on those ideas.
The workshop emphasizes 3 primary mindsets:
- Human centered or user centered design with a focus on empathy
- Bias towards action, prototyping and rapid testing
- Ideating, brainstorming and inspiring creative confidence
Willingness to be a creative, passionate team player .
L1509: Critical Media Consumption
Difficulty: **
Yen Le,
Aida Mbowa
Facebook ads, t.v news, pop-ups and billboards! We live in a world with unprecedented levels of media consumption. Learn how to nurture a critical lens that lets you decipher hidden agendas in advertising, sniff out stereotypes, see the bias in US news reporting and dodge harmful messages in entertainment.
L1535: Anyone can make it - success stories from underrepresented students at Stanford
Difficulty: *
Jeff Simon
School is so boring. Classes, grades, homework, tests, it’s all so useless, right?
As true as it seems, it all has a purpose. In this class, you’ll talk to students from underrepresented backgrounds who made it to Stanford. These students thought the same things as you when they were in school and fought hard to get through it. They’ll tell their stories and provide their thoughts on the key elements to success as an student from an underserved or underrepresented area. The point - ANYBODY who works hard can make it to college (even Stanford!) and be successful.
As true as it seems, it all has a purpose. In this class, you’ll talk to students from underrepresented backgrounds who made it to Stanford. These students thought the same things as you when they were in school and fought hard to get through it. They’ll tell their stories and provide their thoughts on the key elements to success as an student from an underserved or underrepresented area. The point - ANYBODY who works hard can make it to college (even Stanford!) and be successful.
L1573: Lunch Period
Difficulty: None
Enjoy a break for lunch with your friends! Please register for at least one lunch period.
Mathematics and Computer Science
M1498: Functional Programming
Difficulty: **
Daniel Jackoway
Learn about functional programming, a different approach to programming than the object-oriented and imperative types with which you are likely more familiar. See the power of treating functions just like any other data type--passing them as parameters to functions, returning them from functions, and storing them in variables.
Basic knowledge of programming. Familiarity with functions/methods, variables, loops, etc. Some exposure to recursion is a plus.
Basic knowledge of programming. Familiarity with functions/methods, variables, loops, etc. Some exposure to recursion is a plus.
M1394: Android Development Crash Course
Difficulty: ***
Madiha Mubin
An opportunity to learn and create a quick android application! Learn few features that Android provides, customize views to make them look more visually pleasing.
Go over quick tutorial (step-by-step) of how to create a simple application that works on Android phone and then spend rest of the time create your very own!
Should know Java. If you have a laptop, please bring it. If you have Eclipse downloaded on your computer, that's even better. If you don't have a computer, don't worry, we will find a way to make sure you have a great time!
Go over quick tutorial (step-by-step) of how to create a simple application that works on Android phone and then spend rest of the time create your very own!
Should know Java. If you have a laptop, please bring it. If you have Eclipse downloaded on your computer, that's even better. If you don't have a computer, don't worry, we will find a way to make sure you have a great time!
M1430: Loans and Banks
Difficulty: ***
Fatema AlGharbi
Did you ever wonder how you could take a loan from the bank? how much you will be paying? What is interest rate? Monthly payment? In this class will learn how to take a loan from the bank and how to find the monthly payment and annual payment.
You should be familiar with Segma notation. This class is mostly MATH.
You should be familiar with Segma notation. This class is mostly MATH.
M1507: Solving the Cube - An Introduction to Speedcubing
Difficulty: **
Lucas Garron
With the launch of http://speedcubing.com/ and modern cubing competitions, the Rubik's cube has become the center of a large community of so-called "cubers" who learn advanced techniques to solve puzzles.
However, it's not very hard to get started. In this class, I will be teaching a simple ("layer-by-layer") solution that should make it easy to solve your own cube in a minute or two.
You should bring your own cube to the class.
However, it's not very hard to get started. In this class, I will be teaching a simple ("layer-by-layer") solution that should make it easy to solve your own cube in a minute or two.
You should bring your own cube to the class.
M1305: Developing Mobile application - Android 101
Difficulty: **
Narendran Thiagarajan
Intro to mobile applications, how they are different from traditional apps, sudden explosion of mobile apps, app store.
Main focus will be on learning android framework. Look at some exciting applications and games on android and learn how they work.
Learn the basics of developing android application and hands-on exercise developing a simple application.
Java knowledge recommended. Bring laptop (if you have one) Bring android phone (if you have one)
Main focus will be on learning android framework. Look at some exciting applications and games on android and learn how they work.
Learn the basics of developing android application and hands-on exercise developing a simple application.
Java knowledge recommended. Bring laptop (if you have one) Bring android phone (if you have one)
M1443: Math Storytime Full!
Difficulty: **
Peter Diao
What have mathematicians learned? What kinds of questions are they still hoping to address?
We will begin by trying to answer two questions that have led to some surprising developments in math.
1) What are numbers?
2) What are shapes?
And continue on to describe examples of some modern achievements and open questions.
This course will be low on technical content. Comfortableness with arithmetic and algebraic manipulations will be helpful. “Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein.
We will begin by trying to answer two questions that have led to some surprising developments in math.
1) What are numbers?
2) What are shapes?
And continue on to describe examples of some modern achievements and open questions.
This course will be low on technical content. Comfortableness with arithmetic and algebraic manipulations will be helpful. “Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Einstein.
M1322: Prisoner Games
Difficulty: **
You've probably heard some of those puzzles about wardens asking prisoners to play some game and, against all our expectations, come up with a strategy that wins a large amount of the time. We'll take a look at some of these games and work out strategies to win them. In doing so, we'll see some cool mathematics. This course will also have real-life applications, since you never know when it might be helpful to have a winning strategy: if you're ever (wrongfully, we hope!) arrested and forced by an evil warden to play one of these games, you'll probably escape unscathed!
Willingness to wear hats, flip light switches, and open boxes.
Willingness to wear hats, flip light switches, and open boxes.
M1339: Social Business and Online Community Management
Difficulty: *
Andrew Jordan
Aligning social media initiatives to business financials.
The primary keys for successfully implementing social media in business, are having a strategy and developing a plan with goals and measurable objectives.
A passion for social media
The primary keys for successfully implementing social media in business, are having a strategy and developing a plan with goals and measurable objectives.
A passion for social media
M1557: COMAP Mathematical Contest in Modeling Training Session
Difficulty: **
Andrew Spann
The COMAP High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling challenges a team of four students to write an applied mathematics paper in just 36 hours. In this class we'll learn how to use our knowledge of mathematics to tackle open-ended problems that have no textbook solution. The class will be divided into two parts: in the first hour we'll quickly explain what the contest is and how to enter it for those who haven't participated before and we'll let the students who have done the contest discuss their experiences. In the second hour of the class we'll look at specific examples of former problems to get a feel for how to turn these multifaceted questions into something we can approach in a systematic manner. If you're a senior then you won't be able to participate in next year's contest but there's a college version awaiting you and we'll talk about that too.
M1423: Fractal Reality!
Difficulty: **
Curtis Andrus,
Jon Hsieh
From the rings of Saturn to the antenna in your phone, fractals are all around us!
Join us on an exploration of fractal concepts and real-life applications.
Gotta know some math.
Join us on an exploration of fractal concepts and real-life applications.
Gotta know some math.
M1264: How does computer generated animation work?
Difficulty: ***
Salik Syed
This class will explore the mathematical and computational techniques that are used to create a CG movie such as Avatar, Toy Story or Shrek.
Students will learn about different methods of representing shapes within a computer as well as how those descriptions are "rendered" into the beautiful images we see in theaters.
Some knowledge of calculus may be helpful.
Students will learn about different methods of representing shapes within a computer as well as how those descriptions are "rendered" into the beautiful images we see in theaters.
Some knowledge of calculus may be helpful.
M1320: How to get into the videogame industry
Difficulty: *
Alex Handy
This course will examine what is needed to find work in the videogames industry. This class is applicable to artists, writers, programmers, and musicians who love video games and want to create them for a living.
A love of videogames and some creativity.
A love of videogames and some creativity.
M1432: Finite Group Theory
Difficulty: ***
Daniel Whalen
Group theory serves as a foundation for most other branches of mathematics and are essential for everything ranging from symmetry to modern particle physics. This class will teach the theory in the Moore method; you will not be lectured at, but as a group you will rederive the theorems yourselves.
Knowledge of how to construct a proof and what integers and rational numbers are.
Knowledge of how to construct a proof and what integers and rational numbers are.
M1457: Introduction to Programming Applications with Python Full!
Difficulty: **
Ralf Lin
This course mainly focuses on providing students a perspective that programming can be of great daily use. We will first provide some basic knowledge about computer programming with Python. Then we'll move on to see some basic applications of Python in daily life. Finally, we will walk through the process building up a program which automatically downloads stock data from online sources and illustrates them in a stock chart. In-class labs will be the main part of the course to help students truly understand the basics of programming applications.
Do bring your own laptop if you can, although we will try our best to offer access to computers.
No previous programming experience is required, but some initial interest in the field is highly appreciated.
Do bring your own laptop if you can, although we will try our best to offer access to computers.
No previous programming experience is required, but some initial interest in the field is highly appreciated.
M1515: Metric Spaces and Topology
Difficulty: ***
Daniel Zaharopol
Deep mathematics comes from taking simple concepts and generalizing them. Maybe you think you understand the idea of distance. Generalize it, and you get a “metric space,” a new object that satisfies all of the basic properties of distance but does far more interesting things than happen in our world.
With metric spaces, we can understand the idea of continuous functions more deeply; we can start to understand the mathematical field of topology; we can prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to differential equations; and much more. This class will offer a fast-paced introduction to the theory of metric spaces and a look at what you can do with them.
This class will move very, very quickly. Some experience dealing with abstract math --- or some willingness to be very lost in a math class --- is required. No other mathematics beyond basic high school algebra is necessary; we're going to start from basic principles and build up.
With metric spaces, we can understand the idea of continuous functions more deeply; we can start to understand the mathematical field of topology; we can prove the existence and uniqueness of solutions to differential equations; and much more. This class will offer a fast-paced introduction to the theory of metric spaces and a look at what you can do with them.
This class will move very, very quickly. Some experience dealing with abstract math --- or some willingness to be very lost in a math class --- is required. No other mathematics beyond basic high school algebra is necessary; we're going to start from basic principles and build up.
M1517: Conundrums and Paradoxes Full!
Difficulty: **
Daniel Zaharopol
Imagine two teams of tennis players, the Avengers and the Bobcats. When every Avenger plays every Bobcat, the Avengers win more games. Now each gets a new player, and the Avengers' new player is better than the Bobcats new player... but now when every Avenger plays every Bobcat, the Bobcats win more games. How did that happen?
Come to this class and explore three dice A, B, and C so that A usually beats B, B usually beats C, and C usually beats A. Discover why sometimes you should choose to play against a stronger opponent more than a weaker one. Most importantly, learn how to think clearly about difficult problems.
You should understand basic ideas of probability. Also, one example will use some algebra, but you can understand the rest of the class without it.
Come to this class and explore three dice A, B, and C so that A usually beats B, B usually beats C, and C usually beats A. Discover why sometimes you should choose to play against a stronger opponent more than a weaker one. Most importantly, learn how to think clearly about difficult problems.
You should understand basic ideas of probability. Also, one example will use some algebra, but you can understand the rest of the class without it.
M1240: Fun with GF's (Generating Functions)
Difficulty: ***
Jin Pan
From modelling dice to generating Fibonacci numbers, GF's are essential to finding applications for advanced algebra.
Coupled with characteristic polynomials, they can be an extremely powerful tool in abstract algebra.
The goal of this course is to provide a nice introduction to GF's.
Strong algebra skills highly recommended
Coupled with characteristic polynomials, they can be an extremely powerful tool in abstract algebra.
The goal of this course is to provide a nice introduction to GF's.
Strong algebra skills highly recommended
M1461: Computational Biology
Difficulty: **
How to use computers to understand biology? In particular, we will discuss the modern day challenges of understanding biological mysteries. You will also learn how to discover relationships between genes using computational techniques.
Section 1 is for any student who is interested in computers and biology. Section 2 is for students who have learned some general biology (inheritance, the central dogma) and wish to understand more complex computational approaches and biological concepts.
Section 1 is for any student who is interested in computers and biology. Section 2 is for students who have learned some general biology (inheritance, the central dogma) and wish to understand more complex computational approaches and biological concepts.
M1400: Introduction to Programming with Python
Difficulty: **
Anshul Nigham,
Robert Tirrell
This course will introduce you to how easy programming can be. After some basic material you’ll see some of the cool things that you can do even with some simple knowledge of programming.
Only an interest in programming! Note: If possible, please bring your own laptop to use for this class! We will only have a few available.
Only an interest in programming! Note: If possible, please bring your own laptop to use for this class! We will only have a few available.
M1294: Facebook Apps! Learn to make one! Full!
Difficulty: **
Alvin Sng
Always wondered how on earth are facebook apps made? Well this class will show you how! Since making facebook apps requires web programming experience I will try to make the class fun and easy to understand by not going too in depth at the programming. Although the class may be optimal if you have previous web programming experience, it is open to all students, even if you never programmed it before.
Prefer if you have web programming experience, all code will be in PHP.
Prefer if you have web programming experience, all code will be in PHP.
M1316: Simplifying Complexity in Computer Science
Difficulty: **
Wendy Mu,
Frank Wang
In this class, we will explore two categories of "speed" in computer science. The first part of the class will introduce two categories of quickness in computer science. Specifically, we will introduce the notions of P and NP, which are still not very well understood by computer scientists. Unfortunately, most problems in real life can only be solved in NP time (the slower category). In the second part of the course, we will show different ways to get around this, using randomness and approximation.
Basic Algebra, some computer science knowledge would be preferred but not required.
Basic Algebra, some computer science knowledge would be preferred but not required.
M1441: Undecidability
Difficulty: **
Joe Zimmerman
There are some problems that no computer program can solve. Not just problems like "compose a great symphony" or "print the meaning of life" -- specific, well-defined, and surprisingly natural computational problems for which we can prove mathematically that no program can solve them. In this course, we will see some of these problems; along the way, we will also discover precisely what we mean by "program", and we will explore some wacky and probably counter-intuitive facts about infinity.
Some notion of what computer programs look like and what it's like to write one.
Some notion of what computer programs look like and what it's like to write one.
M1462: Introduction to Economic Data Analysis with Gretl
Difficulty: **
Ralf Lin
Running and interpreting economic data is the key part in most empirical economic studies. This course will provide an introduction on how to run economic data using different models, using the Gretl Platform. In this course, students will get to know not only how to build up a model, but how to interpret the model and data as well. Some math derivation will be demonstrated to be the basis for the models but none of them is required. Remember, applications are the core content of this course.
Bring your own laptop if you can, although we'll try our best to provide access to computers.
Some interest in data analysis is highly appreciated, but not required.
Bring your own laptop if you can, although we'll try our best to provide access to computers.
Some interest in data analysis is highly appreciated, but not required.
M1282: Retrograde Analysis Chess Problems
Difficulty: **
Theodore Hwa
Retrograde analysis chess problems are a type of chess logic puzzle. You are given a position, and asked to deduce something about it, such as:
What were the last several moves played?
Is there a game leading to this position?
What is the shortest game leading to this position?
We only assume that games are legal, not well-played, so no chess skill is required. If you are a chess player of any skill level that likes logic puzzles, you should find these problems enjoyable.
Knowledge of the rules of chess. No particular skill level is required.
What were the last several moves played?
Is there a game leading to this position?
What is the shortest game leading to this position?
We only assume that games are legal, not well-played, so no chess skill is required. If you are a chess player of any skill level that likes logic puzzles, you should find these problems enjoyable.
Knowledge of the rules of chess. No particular skill level is required.
M1499: MapReduce
Difficulty: **
Daniel Jackoway
Learn about MapReduce, a system that Google developed for distributing data analysis over thousands of machines.
General programming knowledge. Familiarity with functions/methods, variables, loops, etc.
General programming knowledge. Familiarity with functions/methods, variables, loops, etc.
M1518: Fun with Pi
Difficulty: *
Debashis Sahoo
Lets have fun with a mathematical constant Pi ($$\pi$$). We will discover the amazing history of $$\pi$$. How to compute the values of $$\pi$$? You might discover that $$\pi$$ has more than enough ingredients to spice up your life.
M1262: Introduction to Artificial Intellience
Difficulty: ***
Peter Pham
Perspectives and techniques in artificial intelligence. Depending on interest, we will cover basic algorithms in one or more of the following areas: motion planning, natural language processing, vision, classification.
Probability background will be very useful. Programming background is helpful.
Probability background will be very useful. Programming background is helpful.
M1287: Code Making and Breaking: Math Rules Cyberspace
Difficulty: **
Travis Hassloch
Learn how to make and break codes you can use with friends on SMS, email, or IM. See how it is used by spies to hide messages, by the military to win wars, by hackers to break into wireless networks, by web sites to protect their users, by banks to protect their money, by people to cheat at online poker, and by individuals to protect their privacy. It will be fun, not difficult, but I will give you all the information you need to advance as far as you want afterwards.
basic algebra
basic algebra
M1310: Street-Fighting Mathematics
Difficulty: **
Greg P
When solving problems, as in street fighting, you want to use every tool at your disposal. While mathematical rigor has its place, we will explore a complementary set of tools--tools such as analogy, dimensional analysis, approximation, limiting cases, and symmetry--that allow us to confidently guess answers without a proof or exact calculation. These techniques can save us work, but perhaps more importantly, they can allow us to see solutions to mathematical problems in a much more intuitive way. We'll use our new toolbox to take on some problems from geometry, physics, and economics.
M1249: The Problem of Twelve Balls
Difficulty: ***
Dima Kamalov
We will be solving a somewhat popular mathematics problem. It concerns one slightly lighter or heavier ball in a set of twelve, and distinguishing it through some weighings.
None! Nevertheless it is a rather difficult problem with a lot of deep analysis and extensions.
None! Nevertheless it is a rather difficult problem with a lot of deep analysis and extensions.
M1286: An introduction to number theory and RSA cryptography
Difficulty: ***
Stefan Wager
How can we communicate securely over the internet? How can we send each other encrypted messages without agreeing beforehand on a key with which to encode and decode the messages? Over the course of this class, we will introduce notions about number theory, prove Fermat’s little theorem, and take a peek at one of the most widely used applications of pure mathematics.
The class will focus on abstract concepts, and be proof based. Experience with proof-based mathematics is a plus; a love for problem solving is a must.
The class will focus on abstract concepts, and be proof based. Experience with proof-based mathematics is a plus; a love for problem solving is a must.
M1295: The Good Ol' HTML & CSS Class
Difficulty: **
Alvin Sng
I have been teaching this class at Splash quite a few times and the students really love it from the feedback I received. It is amazing how much you will learn in the 1 hour 45 minutes of this class. In this class I will show you the A-Z of making your own website! This class is open to anyone, so no previous knowledge of web design is needed. The class does move super fast so be ready to learn!
M1300: Bayes' Rule
Difficulty: **
Emma Pierson
How will robots take over the world? Why might you not really have cancer? Why is Google such an awesome search engine? The answer to all three questions is found in Bayes' Rule, a phenomenally important and simple mathematical law that they never teach you in high school. We will learn about its derivation, its meaning, and its applications; come join us to learn about life, death, and probability.
Basic knowledge of probability
Basic knowledge of probability
M1446: Introduction to Game Theory
Difficulty: **
Joe Zimmerman
You and a total stranger are being held prisoner, each in isolation, by the most fearsome kind of captor: the curious behavioral economist. He offers you a choice: betray your fellow prisoner, or keep silent. If both prisoners remain silent, he will release them after a month; if only one party betrays the other, the former goes free immediately and the latter is imprisoned for a year; and if both parties betray each other, they both remain captive for six months. What would you do?
Starting with the classic example of the prisoner's dilemma, we will explore a variety of idealized games with surprisingly common real-world applications. Along the way, we will learn about expected utility, equilibria, cooperation, signaling, iterated games, common knowledge, and many other things. Students will get a chance to play games with each other during the seminar, and a plethora of 2x2 square diagrams will be drawn on the board.
Basic algebra.
Starting with the classic example of the prisoner's dilemma, we will explore a variety of idealized games with surprisingly common real-world applications. Along the way, we will learn about expected utility, equilibria, cooperation, signaling, iterated games, common knowledge, and many other things. Students will get a chance to play games with each other during the seminar, and a plethora of 2x2 square diagrams will be drawn on the board.
Basic algebra.
M1538: Origami Math
Difficulty: **
Andrea Hawksley
A compass and straight-edge may be insufficient to trisect an angle, but it can be done easily just by making a few folds in the sheet of paper you were drawing on.
Learn how to trisect an angle, fold a hyperbolic paraboloid, and more in this class on the mathematics of paper folding.
We will conclude the class by folding some fun geometric origami models.
Learn how to trisect an angle, fold a hyperbolic paraboloid, and more in this class on the mathematics of paper folding.
We will conclude the class by folding some fun geometric origami models.
M1543: From transistors to computers
Difficulty: **
David Brody
Ever wonder how your computer works? In this exploratory course students will get exposure to all the systems at work within the computer, what they do and how they work. From transistors to circuits to microprocessors and everything in between, this course is sure to have kids walking away with a more detailed understanding of how computing works in our digital age.
Interest in computers; curiosity
Interest in computers; curiosity
M1232: Puzzling Problems in Probability
Difficulty: **
Kris Sankaran
We will look at some of the classic problems from beginning probability.
What kinds of problems? Well...
We will finds the probability that any two people in the audience have the same birthday. We will catch a cautious counterfeiter, and also a greedy one. We will play matchmaker and collect coupons. And, of course, we will demonstrate the Monty Hall paradox--a problem stumps elementary school and graduate students with equal probability.
We will review all the necessary concepts from probability, but some previous exposure to the subject might help in understanding the intuition behind the results. You won't need any algebra, geometry, or calculus.
What kinds of problems? Well...
We will finds the probability that any two people in the audience have the same birthday. We will catch a cautious counterfeiter, and also a greedy one. We will play matchmaker and collect coupons. And, of course, we will demonstrate the Monty Hall paradox--a problem stumps elementary school and graduate students with equal probability.
We will review all the necessary concepts from probability, but some previous exposure to the subject might help in understanding the intuition behind the results. You won't need any algebra, geometry, or calculus.
M1261: Introduction to Programming: C++ Full!
Difficulty: **
Kevin Liang
Do you love the art of creating computer programs but never knew where to start? This class will help you jumpstart your programming learning experience.
Topics: User input/output, data types, if statements, while/for loops. (More as time permits)
Topics: User input/output, data types, if statements, while/for loops. (More as time permits)
M1395: Programming Games and Videos with Scratch
Difficulty: *
Megan Elmore,
Truc Nguyen
Do you like games and animation? Ever wanted to create them, not just enjoy them? You can through computer programming, and you can do it easily with Scratch! Scratch (scratch.mit.edu) is a visual, interactive programming language that lets you build games quickly without staring at lines of code on a blank screen. If you haven't programmed before and want to get started, Scratch is the tool for you!
In this class, we will be designing and building a simple computer game and exploring what other games or videos you want to create. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm, and we'll make something cool you can share with your friends!
This class will be geared toward students who have no prior programming experience. If you have programmed before, we will try to challenge you with more complex games to program, but the start of the class may feel like a review. If you can bring a personal laptop, please do! We will be programming, not just talking, for most of the class and will ensure that everyone has a computer to work on.
In this class, we will be designing and building a simple computer game and exploring what other games or videos you want to create. Bring your ideas and enthusiasm, and we'll make something cool you can share with your friends!
This class will be geared toward students who have no prior programming experience. If you have programmed before, we will try to challenge you with more complex games to program, but the start of the class may feel like a review. If you can bring a personal laptop, please do! We will be programming, not just talking, for most of the class and will ensure that everyone has a computer to work on.
M1525: Intermediate / Advanced Programming -- Visual Applications Full!
Difficulty: **
Daniel Holstein
Know what an "if statement" is? A while loop? In my eyes, that classifies you as an intermediate / advanced programmer for your age group. But, are you tired of writing HUNDREDS of lines of code in Java and C++, and getting very little usable results? In this course, you'll learn how to put your programming knowledge to VISUAL use in a few short hours. We'll start by BREEZING through a game called "Pong", and then get into other, more interesting examples.
M1582: Introduction to Computer Graphics and Animation
Difficulty: ***
Thomas Fu
A quick introduction to computer graphics for people with a basic knowledge of computer science. Will teach you the basic skills needed to do some pretty cool 3D graphics/animation and how to turn them into movies.
Basic knowledge/some experience with programming. Nothing serious, but knowing if statements, while loops, etc. would be good (if you don't know these, but really, really want to learn graphics anyway, we can deal with that too)
Basic knowledge/some experience with programming. Nothing serious, but knowing if statements, while loops, etc. would be good (if you don't know these, but really, really want to learn graphics anyway, we can deal with that too)
Physical Science
P1371: Classical Physics (1 of 5) Lectures in Physics
Difficulty: ***
Jonathan Maltz
Classical Mechanics and Electrodynamics. Basically the physics of the everyday world.
We introduce the concepts of Mass, Velocity, Momentum, and Energy and how they are used to describe processes as walking down the street to how planets orbit stars.
This is a suggested prerequisite for the other courses.
One semester of AP Calculus. (It can be this semester). This is really optional i just want you to know the notion of a derivative and an Integral. We won't be doing any real calculations.
We introduce the concepts of Mass, Velocity, Momentum, and Energy and how they are used to describe processes as walking down the street to how planets orbit stars.
This is a suggested prerequisite for the other courses.
One semester of AP Calculus. (It can be this semester). This is really optional i just want you to know the notion of a derivative and an Integral. We won't be doing any real calculations.
P1410: Quantum Mechanics: Another Aspect
Difficulty: ***
Yao-Yuan Mao
You probably heard about Quantum Mechanics and even some fancy terms such as the Schordinger Equation, the particle-wave duality, and the probability amplitude (it is ok if you didn't). Anyway, the way we usually learn Quantum Mechanics is starting from some historical developments, and then setting up the mathematical framework. I'd like to do something different (so this is not going to be Quantum Mechanics 101.) Without really teaching you Quantum Mechanics, I want to discuss with you how you understand and interpret the Nature's law. And then we will see how Quantum Mechanics differs from your "common sense."
Mathematics is not really needed. It would be better if you know some physics.
Mathematics is not really needed. It would be better if you know some physics.
P1505: Earthquakes!
Difficulty: **
Angela Chung
Using the Quake Catcher Network software, hands on activities, and some fun examples, we’ll learn all about earthquakes and the instruments that we use to record them.
P1546: Science And Society Roundtable
Difficulty: **
Michael Shaw
A discussion of the role of science in society.
Should scientists more publicly spread and back up their beliefs about the world? Or should they get back to their labs and focus on what they do best? Is greater scientific literacy important?
We will discuss these questions and more. Please come prepared with your questions, your burning desires for answers.
Should scientists more publicly spread and back up their beliefs about the world? Or should they get back to their labs and focus on what they do best? Is greater scientific literacy important?
We will discuss these questions and more. Please come prepared with your questions, your burning desires for answers.
P1219: From Dante's Peak to Volcano: An Introduction to Volcanology
Difficulty: **
Daniel Sinnett
We'll explore the basics of volcanology by taking a look at what Hollywood gets right, and wrong, in my two favorite bad volcano movies! In the process we'll learn some basic earth science, volcano monitoring techniques, and how they erupt.
This course should be considered a prerequisite for "Mentos and Diet Coke: A Volcano in Your Backyard!"
None, except an interest in volcanoes and geology.
This course should be considered a prerequisite for "Mentos and Diet Coke: A Volcano in Your Backyard!"
None, except an interest in volcanoes and geology.
P1234: Force, Motion, and Energy
Difficulty: **
Michael Si
This course will mainly focus on how to analyze forces and motions of rigid bodies via proper Free Body Diagrams (FBDs), the most basic and important tool in mechanics, as well as mechanical energy analysis. FBDs of complex systems could be quite confusing, and correct FBDs are usually the keys to the solutions of mechanics problems. Solution methods via energy approach, such as Hamiltonian and Lagrangian, will also be discussed. This is an enrichment course especially for those who are considering studying physics or engineering, as certain problems will be both interesting and challenging.
The ability to draw a simple diagram is definitely required. Knowledge about Newton's Laws, friction, tension, and mechanical energy is also needed. Basic knowledge about differentiation, rotational and circular motion is recommended, but not required.
The ability to draw a simple diagram is definitely required. Knowledge about Newton's Laws, friction, tension, and mechanical energy is also needed. Basic knowledge about differentiation, rotational and circular motion is recommended, but not required.
P1372: Special and General Relativity (2 of 5) in lectures in physics
Difficulty: ***
Jonathan Maltz
How fast is fast? What does $$ E = mc^{2}$$ and $$ G_{\mu,\nu} = \frac{8\pi G}{c^{4}}T_{\mu\nu}$$ actually mean?
The physics of the very large and the modern theory of Gravitation, that governs how stars and galaxies form, how the universe at large works, and how space and time flow.
Either taking or having taken at least a basic AP Calculus course will help, but is not required. Also taking earlier courses in the series will help in the flow.
The physics of the very large and the modern theory of Gravitation, that governs how stars and galaxies form, how the universe at large works, and how space and time flow.
Either taking or having taken at least a basic AP Calculus course will help, but is not required. Also taking earlier courses in the series will help in the flow.
P1385: At-Home Science Experiments
Difficulty: *
Carissa Filice,
Sarah Macway
Join us for some fun experimenting with things you can find around your house! We will do several science experiments using everyday materials, then discuss the science underlying what we see.
P1369: Nanotoxicology: Health & Nanotechnology
Difficulty: **
Elizabeth Morin
Nanotechnology... what is it and how safe is it? How do nanoscale materials differ from macroscale materials? Let's discuss the results of safety testing for specific classes of nanomaterials and think about how small changes in structure cause big changes in safety, using predominately the research of Dr. Colvin from Rice University. Time permitting, we can have an open discussion about whether existing safety standards go far enough in protecting the public.
P1235: The Physics of the Large Hadron Collider Full!
Difficulty: *
Maximilian Swiatlowski
The Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland has just turned on, and promises to revolutionize humanity's understanding of the universe. Maybe you've heard about the Higgs Boson, Dark Matter, Supersymmetry, and more-- what are all of these concepts, and how will we be able to see them at the machine? We will start with the basics of colliders and detectors, discuss the particles that may one be discovered, and even look at real data from the ATLAS experiment. If you've been keeping up with the latest news or if you've never heard of the LHC before, you'll come out of this class understanding what scientists are looking for and how they do it at the world's largest experiment.
Some high school physics (kinematics, E&M) and math (algebra) would be helpful.
Some high school physics (kinematics, E&M) and math (algebra) would be helpful.
P1373: Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics (3 of 5) in Lectures in Physics
Difficulty: ***
Jonathan Maltz
Welcome to the Fun House. We discuss the world of the very small and the laws that govern the interactions of fundamental particles. Welcome to a world where knowing where you are means you can tell how fast you are going, object can be in a superposition of different states at the same time, and things can spontaneously appear from the vacuum as long as they go away before anyone notices.
$$(\triangle P)(\triangle X) \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}$$ and other fun stuff.
Taking or having taken a basic AP Calculus course is recommended. Taking earlier courses in the series would be nice as well.
$$(\triangle P)(\triangle X) \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}$$ and other fun stuff.
Taking or having taken a basic AP Calculus course is recommended. Taking earlier courses in the series would be nice as well.
P1437: Graduate School in the Physical Sciences and Engineering
Difficulty: *
Kiel Howe
You're probably still preparing for college applications, but it's never too soon to start thinking about the next step! If you're interested in science or just want to be called "doctor" some day, then graduate studies might be for you!
We'll discuss many things, including:
-what is "grad school"
-preparing for grad school as an undergraduate
-grad school admissions
-getting paid to go to school!
-life and work as a graduate student
-career prospects after grad school
-potential drawbacks to grad school and other career options in science and engineering
The format will be an interactive lecture/discussion. There will be time for you to ask any specific questions you have.
Disclaimer: I'm a graduate student getting paid to study particle physics, and I love it!
Interest in science or engineering career.
We'll discuss many things, including:
-what is "grad school"
-preparing for grad school as an undergraduate
-grad school admissions
-getting paid to go to school!
-life and work as a graduate student
-career prospects after grad school
-potential drawbacks to grad school and other career options in science and engineering
The format will be an interactive lecture/discussion. There will be time for you to ask any specific questions you have.
Disclaimer: I'm a graduate student getting paid to study particle physics, and I love it!
Interest in science or engineering career.
P1472: Waves and Guitar Strings
Difficulty: *
Crystal Bray
Wanna learn how to make a one string guitar while understanding the wave me