ESP Biography

ALI BLACK, Stanford sophomore, undeclared, SET member

Major: Undeclared

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2020

Picture of Ali Black

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I am thrilled to have the chance to share one of my greatest passions with you (yes you, sign up for this class!)
I am a horse manager for the Stanford Equestrian Team and consider the barn my home away from home. When working with horses, time spent out of the saddle, bonding with and understanding the animals is just as important as the riding aspect.
I am an undeclared sophomore with a wide range of academic interests ranging from "fuzzy" to "techy" and likely soon to alight on a track that includes a mixture of the two.
I hail from the magnificent Pacific Northwest and am a proud resident of Seattle, Washington. If you want to get me talking ask me about my pug, Moose Menghu Black.
Hoping to meet you soon,

Past Classes

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