ESP Biography

COURTNEY ANDERSON, Senior studying marine biology + engineering!

Major: Marine Biology + Engineering

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2022

Picture of Courtney Anderson

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I have a passion for learning about everything in the ocean! In my career I want to help coral reefs adapt to deal with the pressures that humans are imposing on them. Sharing my passion for the ocean with others is the best way to be an advocate for it.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

R7657: What's Under All That Water? An Exploration into Earth's Oceans in Splash Virtual Fall 2021 (Nov. 13 - 14, 2021)
Have you ever wandered what lies at the bottom of the ocean? Or wondered how animals live under the bone crushing pressure of the ocean? Or even wondered how deep the deepest spot on Earth is? In this seminar we will explore the the wonders of the ocean and it’s adverse impacts on our daily lives. Come and join this introductory seminar that is open to all who wish to learn about our blue planet!

R6941: What's Under All That Water? An Exploration into Earth's Oceans in Splash Spring 2019 (May. 04 - 05, 2019)
Have you ever wandered what lies at the bottom of the ocean? Or wondered how animals live under the bone crushing pressure of the ocean? Or even wondered how deep the deepest spot on Earth is? In this seminar we will explore the the wonders of the ocean and it’s adverse impacts on our daily lives. Come and join this introductory seminar that is open to all who wish to learn about our blue planet!