ESP Biography

SASHA DENISIN, Stanford Bioengineering grad student

Major: Bioengineering

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2017

Picture of Sasha Denisin

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I completed my undergrad at UC Berkeley in 2012 with a BS in bioengineering (go bears!). At Cal, I engaged in research to develop microfluidic immunoassays and preparation strategies for clinical samples. I am also most grateful for amazing summer internships at the US Naval Research Laboratory & Howard Hughes Medical Institute Janelia campus that further cultivated my motivations to pursue a career in science. At Stanford, I aim to work on designing micro-scale platforms/devices for applications in both basic research and translation to clinical medicine.

Before moving to the West coast, I lived in Alexandria, Virginia (~10 miles outside Washington, DC). Outside the lab, I enjoy performing music (alto sax, piano), sailing, kickboxing, yoga, and science outreach (via interactive demos/presentations). My motto is “aspire to inspire before you expire.”

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

B2712: All That Glows: Bioluminescence, Phosphorescence, & Fluorescence in Splash! Spring 2013 (Apr. 13 - 14, 2013)
Why and how do some animals and plants emit light? What is the chemistry behind glow sticks? What materials in glow-in-the-dark plastics, stickers, and paints enables them to emit energy for hours after being charged? We will review the basics of (bio)chemical light emission and energy transfer from electromagnetic radiation. Get excited for some hands-on demos to understand why and how things glow!