ESP Biography


Major: applied physics

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Ilan Rosen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

P4868: Garage Sale Physics in Splash Spring 2016 (Apr. 09 - 10, 2016)
Ever found yourself wondering what the abstract equations in your physics textbook mean. Ever wondered why you require a multi billion dollar LHC facility to do science. We here present you the excitement of science, especially physics on the scale that you can do at home, understand key concepts by doing simple experiments and also, have some fun with a liquid (nitrogen) at -320 Fahrenheit. Come join us for this highly interactive class.

P4657: Garage Sale Physics in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
Ever found yourself wondering what the abstract equations in your physics textbook mean. Ever wondered why you require a multi billion dollar LHC facility to do science. We here present you the excitement of science, especially physics on the scale that you can do at home, understand key concepts by doing simple experiments and also, have some fun with a liquid (nitrogen) at -320 Fahrenheit. Come join us for this highly interactive class.