ESP Biography


Major: Biology

College/Employer: Stanford

Year of Graduation: 2018

Picture of Ying Sun

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi Everyone! I am a third year PhD student in the Biology department. My research aims to better understand how bacteria cause disease in plants. This research will help us better understand how to protect the plants we grow for food from disease. Apart from working as a full time scientist, I also like to go on adventures during the weekend to explore Northern California and eat lots of tomatoes. I've been vegetarian ever since I was 13!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H4678: Vegetarian Eating in Splash Fall 2015 (Nov. 07 - 08, 2015)
No. We will not be eating vegetarians. We will explore the relationship between vegetarian healthy eating and the health of the planet. With a focus on recent research on nutrition, health outcomes, and environmental results, we will consider practical ways we can all shape our diets to improve our own and our planet's health.